G - Graduation

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Rated Teen

Trigger warnings are always applied! Read at your own risk!

Note: This is severely unedited and will probably never be edited.

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As Henry stood to give his speech at his senior year graduation ceremony he could see his family sticking out in the crowd like a sore thumb. His mom had invited Ray, who in turn made a giant sign that read Go Henry Hart! and was decked out in all sorts of glitter corresponding to Swellview High's colors. Henry turned his attention from his family to his senior class and began his speech. "Hi, I'm uh..." the microphone screeched as Henry leaned in too close to it. The audience leaned back cringing at the sound. Henry took a step away from the podium then began again. "Swellview class of 2019..." Henry gulped, but he saw Jasper and Charlotte giving him double thumbs up. He continued, "it's been a long crazy four years hasn't it?" His fellow students murdered to each other in response. Henry continued, "we've had the Meatball, the time when Jasper got to be hero for a day... What we need to realize is that these past four years are exactly that. In the past. And now, class of 2019, we need to focus on the future." Henry used his inner Kid Danger and pushed onward, "we have the power to make our own future. The power to change the hate, the violence on the streets and inside homes. We have the power to control our own futures, so I ask you, Swellview High School's 2019 graduating class... what does your future look like? Does it look inviting, or scary? Happy, worrisome? It doesn't matter because everything we've done this year is proof that whatever you think is going to happen will chnage. We have the power to cause change! Thank you Swellview High's graduating class of 2019." The crowd cheered, but Piper and Ray screamed their heads off. Henry smiled as he made his way back to his seat, high fiving Charlotte as he passed her.

The rest of the ceremony continued as planned, long and boring. Henry found himself thinking of his own future in Swellview. Ray somehow managed to get Henru accepted into the superhero training program in Metroburgunder the code name Quick. Of course they couldn't tell his parents that. The cover story was he'd go to New York on a scholarship from his work at Junk 'N Stuff. As excited as he was to continue with his superhero training he didn't want to leave his friends and family behind him. It's a good thing he knew his family would never leave him, even if he was halfway across the country.

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