B - Blumia

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Rated T - M

Trigger warnings are always applied! (Bullying mentioned)

Ages: Current

No Ships

Summary: Blumia - In which bouts of extreme overeating are followed by depression and self-induced vomiting, purging, or fasting. 

Henry knew what he was doing wasn't healthy, he knew the consequences were severe, that he could even die. But Mitch and his gang of thugs were right, he did put on a few pounds over the weekend and he needed to do something to make himself skinny again. Which is why he found himself standing in front of the boy's bathroom in the school convincing himself what he was doing was right. 

The teen knelt in front of the toilet and forced two of his fingers down his throat.

When Henry was done he flushed the bathroom and walked out to watch his hands. As he turned on the old faucet he looked in the mirror and almost didn't recognize him. He couldn't pinpoint the exact day he started the vomiting but when he did he wasn't able to stop it. "Henry, you still in here?" Jasper asked as the bell rang signaling lunch was over, Henry quickly turned off the faucet, wiped his hands on his pants, flew on his fake smile and turned to face his friend. 

"Hey Jasp, sorry about that." His friend nodded,

"I get it, the tacos the lunch lady made for us today weren't the best." Henry sighed in relief as he followed his friend to their next class. As much as Jasper was a good friend, the poor boy could be oblivious sometimes. Now all Henry had to do was make it through the rest of the day and he'd be fine.

After an eternity the final bell rang and Henry and his friends made their way to Junk 'N Stuff to see if any crimes were happening that they could help out with. "I'll be right back," Henry said after eating a plate full of extreme nachos from the snack machine. Charlotte frowned,

"you sure you're feeling okay Hen? That's like the ninth time you're going today." Henry froze, there was no way he could lie to Charlotte. Luckily Ray intervened,

"what are you?" The superhero asked Henry's friend, "the bathroom police?" Charlotte just rolled her eyes then went back to eating her greasy cheeseburger. Henry used the opportunity to slip into the sprocket and into the bathroom.

He was halfway done when Jasper knocked on the door, "Henry, you almost done in there? I got to go!" Henry retched into the toilet seat,

"I'll be done in a few seconds!" Jasper didn't leave right away,

"Hey, you don't sound too good... are you okay?" Henry sat on the floor and leaned against the counter wall. "I'm coming in since you didn't answer!" The door opened and Henry quickly tried to clear out any evidence of him throwing up in the Man Bathroom... Man-room? Besides the point, he couldn't let his best friend know what's been going on. 

"I'm fine, just cleaning up," Henry said as he washed his hands, Jasper sniffed the air and frowned.

"Are you sick?" Henry shook his head then turned off the water,

"Nope! I'm fine, one-hundred percent actually." Jasper frowned then opened up the toilet seat to reveal the vomit Henry didn't have time to flush. To Henry, it looked like Jasper was going to throw up himself.

"Did you... force yourself to throw up?" Henry froze to his core, he couldn't move, speak. Not without having to tell Jasper the truth.

"Don't you think I'm fat?" Jasper's mouth gapped open,

"of course not H! Wait, is this about what Mitch said last week?" Henry sat on the floor and curled into himself. "Henry, listen to me, you need help okay?" Henry shook his head,

"I can just stop it I promise!" Jasper shook his head,

"you need to at least talk to someone. I'm sure Ray has -" Henry cut him off,

"I don't want Ray to know."

"Too late." A voice said from the doorway, Henry looked up to see his boss.

"Don't fire me." Ray looked shocked,

"why would I fire you?" Henry gestured to his whole body,

"I screwed up," Ray sighed then sat on the floor with him, Jasper sat to his left while Ray was on his right. "I don't deserve to be a sidekick, especially yours." The trio sat in silence before Ray spoke again,

"Jasper's right Henry, blumia is a huge problem. I know a couple of superheroes trusted therapists, I can set you up with a meeting." Henry shook his head,

"no help." Ray sighed then leaned his head against the wall. He said,

"Kid, Jasper came to me last week and told me what happened to you - don't glare at Jasper I asked him how school was - I was just waiting for you to come and tell me yourself." Henry sighed,

"I guess I don't want to be like this forever..." Jasper smiled,

"come on, we have your first meeting scheduled already. It's in an hour, that okay?" Henry nodded,

"I'm going to need all the help I can get to beat this." Ray nodded, Henry realized he already had all the support he needed. 

A-Z Henry DangerWhere stories live. Discover now