J - Jasper

855 7 1

Rated Teen

Trigger warnings are always applied, read at your own risk!

Total Word Count: 871

Summary: In the eyes of a little girl Jasper Dunlop will always be a hero. In the eyes of his best friends, he already was one.

Note: Yes, this is a copy and paste of my one shot Jasper Dunlop from the One Shot book. Jasper needs more love, but I feel uninspired right now. Maybe later I'll write a different version/fic to put in place of this one.

Jasper froze. This wasn't supposed to happen. Henry had a superpower for gosh shakes! He watched his best friends eyes tear between the girl, Garbage Dump, and him. He was Jasper Dunlop; current Swellview idiot, no one cares about him except Henry, even then Henry ditches him for work, or Charlotte most of the time. The girl began to cry for her mom, but Garbage Dump held her tight. He kept switching the weapon's position between her and Jasper. He knew Henry had no clue what to do, if he was put in Henry's place he would probably run from half the stuff Kid Danger has to face daily... The girl suddenly stiffens as the gun gets pointed to her neck, the blank went off...


Jasper was working the shop, his two best friends were downstairs and the big boss man himself was out on a date with some reporter. The head breathed fire and he looked up from his TweetBird account. "Hi! My name's Olivia" The five-year-old chirped, "do you have anything with golf balls?" He must've looked confused so she clarified her request, "I'm shopping for my daddy for father's day. My mom's outside. I don't want her to see what I get." Jasper threw on a smile,

"I'm sure we have something. Olivia. Let me check the back." She nodded and he disappeared behind the curtain. Five minutes away from Olivia Jasper heard gunshots ring out... He dropped the fire-decorated mini golf cart and ran out to the counter. "Get away from her!" The villain, Garbage Dump (his dumping grounds are nearby alley trash cans) grinned wickedly as he waved his gun in Olivia's direction. He hit the emergency button and heard Henry speed up in the elevator.


The girl screamed as the villain threw her to the ground. Jasper ran between her and Garbage Dump, shielding her from his blows. "Aren't you going to do anything Kid Danger?" The man sneered. "I know you are. I was actually hoping Captain Man would be here, but you're the next best thing." Henry unfroze,

"What are you talking about?" Dump continued to smirk,

"Choose. Which civilian lives, and which civilian dies?" Jasper was we aware Olivia was clutching her neck where the blank went off, the recoil of the gun itself probably burnt her. "Choose!!!"

Meanwhile across town...

Ray laughed as his date, Hannah, said something funny. He honestly was regretting his decision to date, he would much rather be in his Man Cave with Henry and Charlotte sharing a soda and a movie. The news turned up and the reporters were talking about a hostage situation in downtown Swellview. Garbage Dump was at it again, he glanced from the TV to his bag with the gumballs in it. He sighed, Henry could handle the job for one night solo. It will be fine...

Back at Junk 'n Stuff...

Jasper and Olivia were forced to their knees when Dump heard the sirens. He made Henry lock the door and stand behind them. Jasper wasn't sure what was going through his best friend's mind, but he knew one thing for sure... Olivia was going to give her dad the mini golf cart on Sunday. Ignoring Garbage Dump's orders Jasper stood up and faced his attacker. Staring him right in the eye he said, "I've never really been much of anything, but I can make sure Olivia makes it home safely." Garbage Dump looked surprised,

"You are brave." He put the gun away then began to turn. Henry breathed a sigh of relief then Dump turned around. A glisten of silver then Jasper was on the ground bleeding through his neck and stomach.

The cops arrested Garbage Dump.

Olivia accepted the golf figurine then ran into her mother's arms, Henry stayed by his side. "Jasper you idiot! I'm supposed to be the hero here." Feeling his life force slowly slipping away Jasper smiled at his friend,

"Sidekick." He whispered. Henry smirked,

"Really? You're dying on the floor of a thrift store and you call me a Sidekick?" Jasper shook his head,

"Let... Let me finish." Henry went silent. "You are my best friend," Jasper whispered. The EM's appeared, only to tell Kid Danger the teen had a slim chance of living. Dump had fractured organs and the cut on his neck was too deep to stitch. "It-its okay." Henry shook his head,

"How is any of this okay? You're -you're going to die. It's my fault... I should've-"

"What?" Jasper cut him off, "let Olivia die?" They both glanced at the girl, she was smiling happily and talking to her mother. A man stepped forward and she hugged his waist. "Henry... Thank you." The sidekick was confused,

"For what?"

"For letting me finally be a hero..." Jasper rattled out his final breath as his hand went slack against Henry's. A hand touched Kid Danger's shoulder and he turned around, he collapsed in the arms of his mentor. Captain Man stared at the dead teen's body shocked at his surprising heroism.

"It will be okay Henry." Ray promised, "it will be okay..." Henry nodded then went to comfort Charlotte. Ray glanced down at the teen and closed Jasper's eyes for him. Maybe Jasper really was a hero, just not one you read about in comic books.

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