At this point, Angelo was feeling so much love. It took all of his self-control to not just take Elliot into his arms and kiss him.

This urge was still new to him and kind of strange, but he knew that after giving it some time, he would grow to feel comfortable being affectionate. But for now, holding his hand and supporting him was the best thing for Elliot.

"I understand Elliot, my intentions for coming down here wasn't to beg for you to come back. I just wanted to let you know that even if you never return, I will always see you as my own son and never will lose touch with you. I also just wanted to check up on you to make sure that everything was going okay, and by the looks of it, it seems that you're in good hands"

"I am" Elliot smiled as he tilted his head just enough to look at Angelo. "Good, if you're happy then that is all that matters to me-"

"Hey, sorry to interrupt and I'm sure that you were having an amazing conversation, so I'll make this quick. There is a man in a fancy looking suit that is literally DEMANDING to know if his son Elliot Davis is here, but I didn't want to say anything, so I told him that I'll check and be right back"

For Elliot hearing, this news was like finally getting that heavy burden lifted off of his shoulders and then having an anvil crush him from above. Things were just getting better than BAM, another bad thing follows to diminish all that was good.

Right when Mike said that Angelo knew what must have been running through Elliot's mind right now. So, he attempted to try to lift his spirits a bit. He turned his face towards Elliot and spoke in a soft tone, "Don't panic, even though he is here, he can't hurt you so long as Martin, Mike and I are here by your side"

This attempt went down the drain as soon as Elliot opened his mouth with an emotionless stare. "Yes, but my father is impatient. Sooner, or later he'd show up with a smug look on his face; knowing in the back of his mind that he will succeed. That's how things have always been"

And just like he predicted, Bennett made his way over to their room. His face was red with anger and restlessness. "Elliot Carter Davis, you are coming back right now. I won't tolerate this behavior and your mother is worried so let's go!"

Even with all of the anger his father was showing, he maintained his blank expression and spoke in a detached tone, "No"

His father looked at him with piercing eyes and furrowed eyebrows. "No?" he questioned in his normal condescending manner. "Do you hear yourself, Elliot?" He took a few steps closer to get in his face a little, but Martin blocked him from getting too close.

"Father, if you do not accept me for the person that I am, there really is no point in me returning" Bennett scoffed at Elliot as soon as he said this like it was the most ridiculous thing he has ever heard.

"Father, if you do not accept me for the person that I am, there really is no point in me returning" Bennett scoffed at Elliot as soon as he said this like it was the most ridiculous thing he has ever heard.

"Elliot, I don't care if you are attracted to men. What I AM concerned about, however, is the person that you are choosing" He pointed at Angelo and made a disgusted face, "that boy is not someone you want to get involved with. He is a delinquent-"

"HEY!" Mike raised his voice and stepped forward protectively as he cut Elliot's father off midsentence. "Don't you even think about talking to my boy like that! You don't know shit about this boy and that's your biggest problem. You keep on pinning the blame on people when really it is you that is the cause of all of this. Your own son doesn't respect you because all you do is judge others without knowing the whole story!"

Mike's words were like knives sinking deep into every vein in Bennett's body. It was hurtful, but one hundred percent accurate and he knew that; he just couldn't admit to it because of his pride.

"So, make up your damn mind and either leave and never bother them again, or let time show for itself for who Angelo really is, and then, and only then, will Elliot return to come back to your sorry ass.

Everyone was silent as they waited for Bennett's reply. They were all eagerly hoping that he'd at least take into consideration what Mike suggested, but they had their doubts; especially Elliot.

But after he shrugged his shoulders, exhaled a deep breath, and pinched the skin between his eyes, he let one word escapes his mouth.

"Fine" After that, he simply turned around and made his way towards the exit. But before he disappeared completely, he let his final thoughts be heard. "But just so you know Angelo Austin, I don't believe in second chances. If you show any sign of danger towards Elliot or the rest of my family, you will never be allowed back into our lives. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, sir" Angelo replied without hesitation. " Elliot please come home, we all miss your presence"

Even though it was only for a brief moment and his voice was barely audible, Bennett showed his love towards his son, and it made Elliot's heart warm as his mouth hung open in disbelief.

Angelo found that reaction to be adorable as he kissed his cheek. "Go" Elliot smiled and kissed Angelo back and thanked Mike before heading home with Martin.

Once they were all gone Mike started heading back to work but was stopped when Angelo grabbed a hold of his elbow. "Thank you, for what you said. I think it saved me and Elliot"

Mike laughed and rolled his eyes in amusement as he roughly messed up Angelo's hair like a father would to playfully tease his son.

"Yaa think?"

you and iजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें