3 ~ Mr. Madrazo

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"Miss Rodriguez, I've been awaiting your sweet, sweet arrival! What's kept you so late?"

Mr. Madrazo greeted me, stretching his long, decaying arms out offering a warm hug. Dear god, he could be eighty-years-old for all I know and he's been trying to get me to sleep with him since I was 23. It's just pathetic. I know nearly nothing about him even though he's my employer, but I still know he has a wife and a family. Yet he struts around in a thousand dollar suits, taking women back to his house, and preying on me. Plain pathetic.

I walk through the front corridor of his mansion, staring at the dull yellow walls, consistently reminding me of daisies and vomit. Then my eyes move to the wooden floor, an expensive orange tinted path throughout the home. Such a lovely, expensive home. Home, sweet home. Gross.

My eyes travel upwards as Mr. Madrazo takes my hand, placing a gentleman's kiss on my knuckles. I nearly gang, but cover my rudeness with laughter. "You don't have to be so formal, I work for you, Mad." I sheepishly smile, letting my eyes roll. He knows I'm not interested, I made it very clear the last time he tried to hold my waist that if he tried to get close I'd stab him in the abdomen again. Maybe he's just a masochist, like me.

His eyes glimmer with fake endearment, tricks I've seen a million times before. Letting a sigh loose from his chapped lips, he starts, "Y/n, women like you are too..." here we go again. "Too marvelous for the intensities of the work world, too fragile for office communications that you need to be held with the hands of a lover while in it." I'm gonna puke, that was extra, extra pathetic.

My eyes slowly glazed over his expression, in awe that he said something that stupid. It's like he stole a movie quote. "Learned some new English, I'm impressed."

"Did it work?"

I simply shake my head, making him leap back. Afraid I'll shank him again.

Facing his defeat, his hand travels down his face, stopping over his mouth as his eyes awkwardly watch his feet shift. "Never the less, I have a new job for you, Miss Rodriguez." He brings his manly stance back, suddenly leaving behind his attempt to seducing me and leading me towards his office. His posture shows a clear sign of uneasiness, probably scared I'll stab him in the back this time, but we ignore it.

Settling himself behind his desk, I take the comfy chair to his right and gaze out the window as he speaks. "A man, Mr. Michael De Santa, has recently dismantled my wife's house. Completely humiliating me and my family."

I chuckle, attempting to stifle my laughter from growing. "W-why are you telling me this?" I say between gasps of air from my growing fits of laughter.

"This is not funny!" He protests. "You work for me! I can replace you if you so desire"

"With who? I'm the best sorry sucker you'll find if you want the police off your back, Mr. Maaad" I taught, singing his stupid nickname.

"It is Mr. Madrazo to you, young lady..." He replies, basically tucking his tail between his legs. "Neverless, I need to know if you're willing to capture him for me and help me... get the message across?"

I sigh and look back towards the elderly man. He's stupid, just like Papa. Always with revenge. It's not like I'm any better, I nod my head and shift my lips to a slight smirk. "Sure, Mad. I'll get him for ya."

Bloody Mary  { Michael De Santa x Reader }Where stories live. Discover now