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This is my first Drarry Oneshot and I'm kinda proud of this. But don't trust my opinion, go ahead, read it and decide on your own if this is a good story...
Oh and DISCLAIMER: I'm not JKR which sadly means that the characters and the HP storyline do NOT belong to me like I wish on some days!

2143 words.


That's all he felt, now that it was over. Voldemort was gone. The war was won. Everything great, wasn't it?
But it all came back to him in the moment when hogwarts stood there in front of him. Completely intact again. It had taken them all summer but now it was finished and the students could return on September the first. Harry really wanted to hold this thought of positivity but it just slipped away.
He had lost almost everything in this war.

His parents.

The pictures of their dead bodies flickered through his mind every time he closed his eyes. Most of them had died for him. Because of him. The images kept him awake at night. He barely got any sleep. And if he slept, there would always be nightmares which lead to sweating and panting and screaming until Ron or Neville shook him awake.

"Mate, you should go for a walk!",
Ron had said and here he stood, next to the lake under a huge willow tree, looking at the castle that had been his home for the past seven years.
And it would be his home for one more day only. Then it would be time to leave.

Ron had offered him to stay at the Weasley's for a few weeks but Harry felt that this wasn't his place to be right now. Ginny and him had ended things. Mutual. Harry felt numb after all this fighting and so his feelings for her had faded. Meanwhile Ginny grew up and realized, she'd spent a big part of her youth longing for Harry. She just wanted to be free, to be herself and experience things in her last year at hogwarts. Further the Weasleys already had to look after themselves and especially George. Fred had been a central member of the family and had just got ripped right out of their middle.
No, Harry would probably go back to Grimmauld place. It was his house and it would be stupid not to use it, right? Also it was in London so he had short ways to Diagon Alley and the Ministry. He would still stick to his plans for an auror career.

Out of nowhere someone suddenly spoke up and ripped him from his thoughts.
"What does the great hero, Harry Potter, do outside at 3 AM?"
It was a friendly but slightly amused voice.  Harry glanced up at Malfoy and then turned his head back to look over the lake. The tips of the black waves glittered silvery in the moonlight.
"Couldn't sleep."
Malfoy had personally apologised to everyone he'd ever insulted in the slightest way and had helped a lot with rebuilding the castle. Last week the Malfoys have had their trial and Draco and his mother got acquitted in all sentences while Lucius was sent to Azkaban.
They had started to talk when they've had to work together and got along with each other quite well. Of course only small talk and from time to time Harry would shout at him because old habits die hard.
Maybe that's why they still called each other by their last names. They really tried to restart their relationship after seven years full of insults and tension between them. But something about it didn't feel right. Harry had completely forgiven Malfoy, well most of it, that wasn't the problem.
There still was a kind of tension, something Harry had felt all the time he was with Draco, since they first met, but it had always been pushed aside by anger. Now that this anger was gone it came to the surface. This kind of tension that made silence awkward and uncomfortable.

Again Malfoy interrupted his thoughts.
"I can't sleep either. I-It always feels like he's touching me again."
There was no name needed. They both knew who he was talking about.
"These cold hands pulling me close."
He paused and made a disgusted face.
Harry felt sick. Surely this embrace had been traumatising for him.
He kept observing the other boy's face as Malfoy went on. His beautiful features were rigid in what seemed to be fear and his pale skin reflecting the moonlight made him look even more tired and drained.
"It's like being sucked into a black hole. And- and then all I can sense is fear and I panic and I can't breathe anymore... And when I wake up I'm still gasping for air."
At this moment Malfoy stopped his story and his eyes fell to the ground.
"I'm sorry."
Harry was confused.

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