"Nice.. You like to draw?" Leo brought his gaze back to his hostess.

"Yeah. Draw, paint, whatever creative thing I can get my hands on really. I don't know, it calms me I guess." She followed his eyes around the room, curious to what he was admiring. "Like them?"

"Yeah, they're actually really good. Damn, you've got some talent." A genuine smile spread over Leo's face. "But, what are you gonna do for your door?" The Swamp had been created for many reasons. One, Leo (before Jordi) didn't have a roommate and the place often seem randomly there, dull, and messy like a swamp. Two, Leo described the pain of losing a limb like trudging through mucky water and mud. You walk and walk and walk, but you never really go anywhere. It was like part of him was missing yet he couldn't do anything about it. That didn't mean he didn't stop trying though, like trudging through a swamp. Lastly, he admired camouflage and well, Dash thought "The Swamp" sounded cool. It was kind of a deal breaker.

"I haven't really thought it out, yet. But I want it to be cool, like everyone else's is. I wanna go all out, ya know?" Something glazed over Skylar's eyes when she talked about it. As if it was her main goal in life to make the best glass door in all of Ocean Park history. It was kinda cute, how wrapped up in it she got. "I want something big, and something that'll stand out. No idea I've thought of is perfect yet. But anyways, I'm gonna draw you, okay? Hope you don't mind, but something about your shiny head and caterpillar eyebrows gives me inspiration." She let out a slight giggle.

Leo didn't respond, he just nodded his head in agreement. As cliché as it sounded, Skylar intrigued Leo. He found himself laughing at her little jokes that weren't all that funny, admired her artwork, listened to her thoughts and ideas. But more importantly, he paid attention. He notice every curve on her body and where it was places. He noticed the crinkle of skin by her eyes when she laughed. He noticed the one stray of hair that always seemed to come out of hiding after she pushed it back with the others. He noticed how her lips parted when she listened to someone talk or how her tongue stuck out when she concentrated.

Dragging himself out of his own thoughts, he decided to start some small talk. The only thing more awkward and aggravating than small talk was silence. "So, what are you, um-"

"Stop right there. I know what you're gonna say and I want you to shutup before you do."

"How do you know what I'm gonna say?" Oh yeah, Leo. Because it's totally not obvious or anything. What is the one thing that anyone talks about in hospitals? The one subject that hunts people down and forces them to discuss it no matter how much they refuse.

"What's wrong with me? Why am I here? What do I have? Am I really sick enough to have to stay at a hospital?.... Don't act stupid, we both know that's the only thing small talk is centered on around here." Her pencil never halted against the paper as she spoke. She didn't even bother to make eye contact with him, like she's repeated this conversation hundreds of times before.

Leo's bald head hung low, and he said softly, "Sorry."

"Leo, I'm not scolding you like a little kid," she began "I just want you to think about it for a second. You're in a hospital. You're literally sealed into a place that focuses solely on the miserable illnesses of people. Don't you want a break from it?"

Leo paused and shook her words that she just spit out, inside his head. He searched for anything to contradict her statement. But, she was right. And as much as Leo hated to be wrong, he had to admit the point behind her words. "You're right, sorry. Sometimes I forget that there's more to life than this hospital."

"I hate that word."


"Sorry. I hate that word. It's tossed around too much, like 'love'. Does it even have any real meaning behind it now? People have this false assumption that saying sorry can solve any damn problem."

"Um... Sorry?" Leo was dumbfounded. How could he even answer to a miniature rant like that?

Skylar surprisingly smiled as if nothing pissed her off in the first place.. "It's okay, I understand what you're saying. And you don't have to be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong. Now sit still and let me finish my drawing."

"Are you always this bossy?"

"Are you always this fidgety? Sit still, you jump around way too much for a kid in a wheelchair." She peeked up from her sketchbook to give Leo a flirty smile.

"Ouch, again with the wheelchair jokes?" Leo returned the smile.

"They're my speciality." She ripped out a sheet of her sketchbook and handed it to Leo. "Like it?"

The resemblance was uncanny. Every crease in his skin, each eyebrow hair, the shine on his head and teeth; all accounted for.

"Holy shit. It's so good, like it looks JUST like me. I can keep it?" Leo's face lit up like a toddler.

"I'd be offended if you didn't, Caterpillar Brows." I'm not a rocket scientist, nor have I ever been in love or even close to it, but I'm 98% sure she handed the paper to him, purposely making their hands touch. Teenagers are weird. And this opinion is coming from Coma Boy.

"Cute pet names for me already?" Leo teased.

But before she could answer, the most distinctive voice in the world shouted.


Nurse Jackson.

I'm really sorry this is kinda late, guys! I had homecoming over the weekend and then I went to a festival and then I got sick :/ sooo I apologize for the wait my lovelies :*

Anyways, ohhhh Leo and Skylar. Anyone have a clue what's "wrong" with Skylar? Or why nurse jackson is there? Dun dun da dunnn. ;)

QOTD: What's your ideal relationship?

AOTD: basically what I described up top :)

ALSOOO would anyone care to read more stories from me? I've written some random sections of things for The Maze Runner and The Walking Dead but I've never published any of them or anything. idk just an idea? Or maybe I would even do preferences I'm not sure :) I'm always open to suggestions though!

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