Chapter 8

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Melody's POV

Nash was taken to a private medical area, where his wound was treated immediately. I couldn't imagine anything worse that'll happen.

"How are you doing?" Ethan said then handed me over a cup of coffee,

"Fine I guess? Actually, no, I'm not fine" I said while sipping the coffee slowly,

"What's up with you? I went here just to be with you, and also the others, but it's mostly you" Ethan replied, he was actually serious,

"Ok? But you know that I DON'T like you anymore" I said,

"That hurts" Iko said as he sat with us,

"Woah dude! Not a really good timing" Ethan said,

"Can't you see that she's not into talking with you anymore?" Iko replied, a minor conflict began,

"Ok, you two stop, let me be for a while, go talk with the others" I said then they both left.

I walked around the facility, tons of people being treated because of the plane crash, then eventually, I saw Lewis walking around as well.

"Melody?! What are you doing here?" Lewis asked,

"We were from the Prom, fortunately we survived" I said,

"Where's the others?" He asked,

"I'll take you to them" I said then he followed,

"Well well welll, if it isn't Lewis Kim? It's been a while!" Cleford said then shaked hands with him,

"Hey Lawrence! They're here!" Lewis shouted,

"Who's here?" Lawrence replied, he was on another station where people were injected with the old vaccine,

"Iko and the others!" Lewis replied, then Lawrence ran to us quickly,

"Woah! It's you guys!" Lawrence said then hugged us,

"Oh Doctor Nick is here, can we talk to you, privately?" Lewis said, then they left.

We were now just sitting down on a line of chairs, awaiting medical treatments as there were alot of people.

"It's you guys! I've heard about you guys on the news before!" A Nun said,

"Who are you?" Saskia asked,

"Oh, Sister Moriah Castro, you may call me Moriah for now" She said,

"Oh, guys, their with me" Doctor Nick said.

It's like a mini reunion with the people we've experienced alot with.

"Hey Mr. Chua, a big fan" A man just beside Doctor Nick said,

"Um ok? Thanks?" Iko said awkwardly as he doesn't know him,

"Oh yeah, my name is John Ainsworth, just a random British tourist" He said then Iko shaked hands with him,

"Dr. Delight? You're with them as well?!" Cleford said with shock,

"Oh? It's you! A really unexpected meeting" She said,

"You guys know each other?" I asked Cleford,

"Yeah, she's Nathan's psychiatrist, you know, with his mental problems" Cleford said, then I simply said Okay.

"Have you guys seen Lieutenant?" Iko asked,

"Oh, we met just yesterday, then this happened" Doctor Nick said,

"What happened with you guys?" Cleford asked,

"He went to your house, while I tried to go to your prom, but failed due to my motorcycle accident" Doctor Nick replied,

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