Their Friend; the Rockstar

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Of all the students enrolled at Rockford E. Davis Middle School, He knew better. This was his second year repeating the 8th grade and He had no shame. He was smart. The problem was—possibly—that He was too smart, so smart that He was dumb. If He wasn't careful, his performance in grades and conduct would create a trilogy for next year, staring He and his overgrown likeness.

He and his Entourage of equally knuckle-headed classmates entered the cafeteria. They stood, blocking the doorway and waited for his direction. He took his time and scanned the room.

The cafeteria was grouped into sections; the jocks and pom-poms, the band rats and batons, the nerdy techies, the weirdos, the cool kids and the too-cool-for-school kids—always at lunch, never in class—and so on and so forth. On top of that, those sections were also grouped by grade level. This year the school's administration was trying something different. All of the students would go to lunch at once rather than three separate lunches for each grade.

On the other side of the cafeteria sat Joshua, Justin, Marcus and Keith. They were all 6th graders and friends from the same elementary school. As they ate, they exchanged comic books and commentary.

He zeroed in on the table of four. He was about to take a step just as the cafeteria door swung open. It was David. David pushed through the Entourage and hurried to the table of four. This disturbed He and the Entourage.

"What happened to you?" Marcus asked, biting into a PB&J sandwich.

David huffed, "Mrs. Gibbs wanted to talk about my science project. She said I'm not trying hard enough. She thinks I can do better. I probably could if I actually liked science."

David pulled his food from his lunch kit; an apple, a juice pouch, a cup of vanilla pudding, a large bag of chips and two turkey sandwiches—no cheese. David prepared to bite into one of his sandwiches when Justin's eyes widened.

"Oh no, here He comes," pouted Justin.

In what seemed like slow motion, everyone turned to see He and his Entourage headed their way.

Keith complained, "Is this going to happen every day?"

"Just give them what they want and they'll leave us alone," suggested Joshua.

Finally they reached the table. He scanned over their lunches then noticed that Marcus was chewing.

"I thought I said no eating until I got my pickings first." He snarled, snatching David's bag of chips.

David was fed up and tired of this same situation happening day after day. David was also tired of going home hungry every day. And also tired of making up reasons for being hungry when his dad became curious.

Justin examined David's face then started humming to himself, knowing a bad thing was more than likely about to take place.

"Leave us alone!" David demanded.

"Leave you alone or what?" He taunted.

"Yeah, or what?" One of the knuckle-heads instigated.

"I'll tell you what little fellow, if you have the heart to come fight me then I'll leave you all alone..."

By now, David had opened his pudding and scooped a spoon full onto his spoon.

"...but if you don't then..."

He was caught completely off guard and his sentence cut short as vanilla pudding landed on his forehead and slid into his eyes and further down his left cheek. Furious, He charged at David only to miss his footing and fall face first to the floor.

The entire cafeteria exploded with laughter. The Entourage was stunned. They didn't know what to do or think. They didn't know how to react.

David stood up from the table and retrieved the bag of chips. David then held the chip bag in the air. The cafeteria began to clap and cheer. The Entourage retreated as He lay there on the floor, practically in tears. David was humble but Joshua, Justin, Marcus and Keith praised David. To them, David was something like a rockstar but also was their simple little ol' friend.

The End.
Reference 1 Samuel 17 (NIV)


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So be it. Amen. 💟


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