My mother had something called the Light Gene, which enabled her to surpass werewolf strength and speed. She can also see when someone is guaranteed certain death, to which she describes as a moving shadow. Unfortunately, no one knows the origin of The Light Gene. 

My mother had activated it at nineteen years old, when she was facing impossible enemies. One was a half breed of werewolf and demon, who went by the name of Darkness. The other was his father, named Satanevos, a full demon as well as the creator of the werewolf species. He cursed an entire continent of humans, creating monsters that painfully shifted into werewolves every full moon.

The story of how my parents fought for their lives and their people was incredible and inspiring. Even though I have supposedly surpassed them in combat level, they'll always be my role model. 

It became known that I had inherited the Light Gene, when I activated it at the age of five; just like Ella and Alex. I was overwhelmingly more strong and faster than my peers, to which everyone assumed was due to my Alpha blood. 

My father always reminded me to strengthen my body and mind, so that I didn't need to depend on them so much. As I grew, more amazing abilities appeared for me to develop on. I worked extremely hard to ensure I can utilize it for battle, and my hard work had definitely paid off.

I suddenly flinched hard, feeling a cold sensation run down my back. A mental image of the northern border appeared in my mind, rippling as though it had been disturbed. This was just one of my useful abilities.

"The borders." I spoke up with a frown. "Something is not right." 

Just as I said that, the lead border warrior mind-linked me. "Alpha, there's a disturbance near the northern border. A fight amongst werewolves and rogues has been reported. We're currently investigating it more, although it seems to be happening just outside our border"

"What pack do the werewolves belong to?"

"We don't know yet."

"Okay. Investigate thoroughly, please." I told her. "Update me frequently."

I sighed heavily, pulling my long hair into a sleek pony tail. "The northern border has been-."

"Infiltrated?" Ivy exclaimed, cutting me off. "Oh, fuck! Not again."

"No, not infiltrated. No one can get past those warriors, now that security is even stricter. The northern border has been disturbed, there is a fight happening apparently."

"A fight?" Kyle repeated, his nose scrunching up. "Who would fight right outside our borders? They should take it elsewhere."

I shrugged in response. "I don't know too much about it, but I'll be getting updates."

"Alpha, we can't identify the werewolves." The lead warrior mind linked me.

"What the hell does that mean?" I questioned in confusion.

"Their scent is unfamiliar, unidentifiable. But they aren't rogues." 

I frowned in thought, this was a peculiar case. However, there was a chance that those werewolves belong to Lucio's pack, since he was currently in the state. I let out a low growl, what was the meaning of this? Why have a damn fight near my territory?

"I'm coming." I told her with a sigh. "It is northern border - point B, right?"

"Um, yeah." She replied, surprised that I got it right.

"For now don't interfere with the fight. If it progresses to the point where you need to take action, mind link me first." 

I didn't want anyone to make one wrong move against BloodRose Clan members. They were a powerful ally, one that I couldn't afford to lose. That is, if those werewolves were from the BloodRose Clan.

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