F I F T Y - T H R E E

Start from the beginning

We went back in his car, he's still smiling from ear to ear. He's being so gentleman towards me. Once he got inside the car he lean forward to me pulling the seatbelt, plunging it in.

"You need something babe?" he asked but I shook my head. He drive all the way to the restaurant.

Kihyun and I spent out time together. We ate at his favorite restaurant. We visited my parents' and twins' grave. Then we visited his parents since his Dad already arrived from his flight from America. As soon as we arrived as usual their butler greeted us.

Kihyun quickly run towards the living room giving his parents a hug for a greet. Then he went back at me gelding me by my wrist as he dragged me with him. He gently guide me to sit as if I will get harmed by sitting down by my own.

"Babe do you need something??" Kihyun asked me.

“I just need water” I told him and he quickly disappeared making his way to the kitchen and making his parents laugh.

“So how's life with Kihyun?” Mr. Yoo asked me

“Kihyun is a nice husband. He always look after me” I respond but looks like that's not the answer they're looking.

“No, I mean your sex l---” Mr. Yoo was cut off because Mrs. Yoo elbowed him. Then Kihyun finally returned.

“Mom, Dad....Jin Hee is two months pregnant” Kihyun told them. They looks so excited as Kihyun, they want to have a celebration but Kihyun told them just to have a simple family dinner.



Jin Hee was now five months pregnant. I'm now waiting for her here in my car, she's having a check up on her OB. I want to come with her inside but she refuse. It took her almost an hour I was about to call her but she suddenly came.

“What took you so long?” I asked her.

“Sorry about that it just I had a hard time walking” she respond.

“You should have let me in with you” I told her but she just smile. I started the engine and drive all the way back home.

I parked the car at the garage, hoping out first to help Jin Hee. Jin Hee is now into her pregnancy. Her tummy was now visible, she's experiencing morning sickness, craving on sweet foods and her mood swings. Sometimes she's having a hard time breathing.

I was at the kitchen preparing for our lunch while Jin Hee is now resting in the couch. Settling the food into the oven I went to the living room to check on Jin Hee. She was having a hard time breathing. I turned on the fan and sat beside her.

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