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I’ve been stressing out these past days and Ms. Lia asked me to go for a leave. Why not??? So I file a leave for one week. Today is the first day of my leave and I decided to go to Busan since I wanted to meet the twins. I was driving on my way to the café where I saw the twins. Then once I already parked my car I saw the twins running around playing with their dog. Once I got out of my car, Jihyun accidental tripped on something making her knee bleed. I run towards her and help her to stand up.

Oppa why are you here??” Jihyun asked wiping her tears away.

“Didn’t I promise that I will come back???” I said then carried her all the way inside the dog café. I saw an employee and asked for a first aid kit to clean up Jihyun’s wound.  Then Jihoon suddenly disappeared.

“I told you, I will come back” I said and Jihyun smiled nodding her head. Then Jihoon went back together with a lady.

“Grandma!” Jihyun screamed.

“Thank you, for helping Jihyun” The lady said.

“Let’s get home now your mom will get worried if she knew about this” The girl said.

“I can accompany you home” I said and the twins nodded.

“You can meet mom there!” Jihyun said.

“Please Grandma, Mr. Yoo is someone that appa knows” Jihoon said. Then their grandmother agreed. While we’re inside the car the drive was quiet until their grandmother spoke.

“Its really weird that you looks like the twins” Their grandmother said. Do I really look like them???


Once we arrived in front of their house the twins held me on my hand and dragged me inside their house. It was just a simple house but its pretty.

“Seat there oppa, I’m going to call mommy” Jihyun said and run upstairs.

“I’ll just going to prepare lunch, you should eat here with us” Their grandmother said. I was sitting on the couch talking with Jihoon. Then Jihyun went downstairs running excitedly.

“Mommy!! Hurry up! He’s here!!” Jihyun said jumping excitedly.

“Jihyun, sweetie don’t jump, you might fall” Their mom said. That voice? Why does it sounds so familiar to me? Her voice made me calm.

“Mom! He’s Mr. Yoo that I’m talking about” Jihyun said as she dragged her mom towards me.

“Jin Hee???” Shit! She’s their mom?? Means she married Mr. Song??? So I’m too late? I had no choice but to marry Kim Hayoung.

“Yoo Kihyun? What are you doing here???” She said looked so shocked.

“Mr. Yoo & Mommy knew each other??” Jihoon asked.

“Mommy how can you know Mr. Yoo??” Jihyun asked

“He’s my classmate back then” She respond.

“So Mommy know who’s the girl that Mr. Yoo loved so much??” Jihyun asked. Shit! This is so awkward…….

“Sorry sweetie but mommy doesn’t know who is the girl” She respond. Then the twins pouted. So I was right the necklace that Jihyun is wearing right now is the necklace I gave her that night. So she already had her own  family. 

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