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"Miss are you alright?" I asked her, she turn around to face me. "Jin Hee?"

She's all messed up. Her body exposed just in her bra. Skirt is ripped. Eyes was red because of crying. It breaks my heart seeing her here, crying and covering her bare body. I quickly took off my coat and put it on her. Then she quickly hugged me tightly crying against my chest.

"Thank you, y-you came" she cried. She was crying so hard making it hard for her to breath. I pull her away and held her by her shoulder. She was looking down still panicking.

"Hey, Look---Look here Jin Hee, shh-- you're fine now" I said lifting her chin up, cupping her face and making an eye contact with her. "calm down, you're fine now" I told her and she nodded but she's still in panicked, still crying.

"Jin---Jin Hee breath in, breath out" I told her and she did followed me. "Good Girl, now let's go" I said and help her to stand up but her knee was so weak making me carry her bridal style.

"Ki----Hyun" she breath out then buried her face against my chest.

"Shhh you're safe now" I said then she hugged me. I look at her and her eyes are closed. I smile to myself thankful that I'm the one who saw Jin Hee and save her.

I put her at the backseat of my car. Then I went to the driver's seat. She's still the same. Same face, same body and same heart. I started my engine and started driving not really sure where to bring her. What if I take her home just for now until she wakes up I don't want to check on her things. So I made drove all the way to my house.

Once I arrived, I went out of my car and open the backdoor to get Jin Hee. I made my way upstairs all the way to my room and lay her comfortably on my bed. She still looks like an angel. I can't believe this woman already have children. Then my eyes landed on her body she was so exposed in front of me, her wrist has bruise and her legs has dirt.

I took off my coat from her and her ripped skirt leaving her on her undergarments. I went to the bathroom to grab some pail and a towel then I went back to her sitting on beside her. I cleaned her fave first using the wet towel, then her body, arms and legs. After cleaning her up I went to my closet to find some sweat pants and a shirt for her to wear. After I finally dressed her up I left her into my room.

I went back downstairs to make something to et then I heard a phone ringing. That's not mine. I went to living room and check on Jin He's purse seeing her phone ringing. I open her phone then saw the caller ID "Jiyeon-ssi". I answer the call and before I can speak, her phone shut off. There's so many people worried for this gorgeous and lovable woman.

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