F I F T Y - T H R E E

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I was busy preparing breakfast cause Kihyun just woken up. He's sitting on across me while drinking his coffee. That's his mood everyday, a cup of coffee to wake him up. He often do that, I started preparing breakfast but he'll end it soon later. I was just wearing the sweatshirt I'm wearing last night then I notice Kihyun couldn't take off his eye on me.

"Ki? Can you stop eye fucking me? I'm already pregnant" I jokingly said and that made him chuckled.

"You know eye fucking is not really my thing. I really wanted you so bad last night" he snapped.

"I'm already pregnant" I told him.

"But having sex is not forbidden on pregnant women. We can still go for it" he said "As long as your tummy isn't big" he smirked. I smiled at him and shook my head.

"But you left me with blue balls last night" he whined. I set the table as soon as I finished cooking.

"I'll help you jerk off tonight but you need to get to work" I teased him then he shook his head.

"What about now? I'm not going to work for today" he said.

I argue with him to go to work but he refused he said that it was his birthday yesterday that I should be letting him do what he wants to. After we ate breakfast we're at the living room cuddling. I was sitting between Kihyun's legs,my back pressed against his chest letting my head fall against his shoulder. Then I felt his hand on my breast.

"Babe, I notice your breast become bigger than before" he commented. I pushed his hand away and hit him on his legs.

"Yah!! That's natural to pregnant woman, and stop gripping it cause it hurts" I told him and that made him chuckled.

"You know Babe, why don't we go out today???" he asked me.

"Why don't we hang out with the boys??" I asked then he sighed

"They have work today so means it just only the two of us" he said and I agreed. I stood up and went upstairs to take a quick bath.

He brought me to the hospital first for a check up and he's so excited about the baby. He was so eager to know the baby's gender but I told him that we should wait for 4-5 months.

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