F O R T Y - T W O

694 24 12


Days have past and Kihyun often to visit Jihoon at the ICU. Yeah he always came every time I'm the one looking after Jihoon. I'm loosing hope for Jihoon now.

I decided to left the ICU for a minute. It breaks my heart to see my son laying here with oxygen attached to him. Once I open the door Mrs. Yoo greeted me.

“I hope you're okay Jin Hee” she said and I cannot stop my tears from rolling down my cheeks. Then she pulled me into a hug. “I already know the truth Jin Hee, and you'll be okay” she said.

Once I already calm down both of us sat on the bench that was far from the ICU but enough to see who'll got inside the room.

“I'm so sorry Mrs. Yoo. Sorry for not telling you the truth about the twins. I...I just---”

“I understand you Jin Hee. I've done the same thing before. Kihyun is not that close to his father. Why? Cause he grew up with just me by his side. His father and I are just dating that time. He was already handling their family business and I'm an employee. We've been dating but he didn't introduced me to his parents yet. Then I got pregnant with Kihyun. That's the only reason why we got married” she told me “It's funny how Kihyun and you experience what we experience in the past. That's why I understood why you didn't tell us about it. I did the same thing before” she said.

“But I'm still sorry for not telling you. It just I've tried to tell Kihyun before but he pushed me away” I explained.

“But we got your back now” she smiled at me.

“How about Ki's father???”

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