"You know we can't resist that" (Carson)

"Yay~ I'm dressing as a boy!"

At the mansion ~

Mama is currently dressing me up. I told her the idea and she was very happy. After all she loves dolling people up. Papa also can't resist the puppy eyes which is helpful~

I looked into the mirror.....is this even me ? I look so handsome.

is this even me ? I look so handsome

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"Angel are you re- woah" (Xavier)

"Onii-chan how do I look? Handsome right?"

"Yes...very. The boys will be shock when they see you"brother is still astounded

"Let's go"

At the party

Papa told the guest that Angel(me) was sick. And my name is Vincent. A classic yet cool name. I'm chatting with the boys. I constantly saw girls squealing so I smile at them. They blush even harder and turn around. Quite cute.

"You're having a lot of fun huh? Do you like girls squealing at you like that?"(Zayden)

"It is indeed fun. Come on their cute."

"How about us?" Carson ask

"You guys are cute too." They turned a little red. Why though? They are cute and I'm not the only one who thinks that anyways~

"Excuse me. May I talk to you?" I turn around and saw the little kid, what is his name again the useless capture target?

"I am Aden Rosely Limie. May I talk to you alone."

Oh! It is Aden. I tend to forgot unimportant things.I glance at the others and they nodded. So they are going to follow me....oh well. Time to act...let's see what show you can put up little brat.

"I am Vincent Diamonda. It will be a pleasure."

I followed him to the corner of the ball room.

"So what matter do you want to discuss?"

"No offence. Since you are from another country I was wondering if you knew that your cousin killed a girl named Molly. Please stay away from them...can I be your friend?"

This brat . I killed her because she tried killing papa. Just who does he think he is?

"Is that all?" I change my voice to a cold voice "my cousin killed her because she tried to kill my pa- uncle. So that girl who tried killing my uncle is good? And you want me to be your friend? You surely jest."

"She tried but it didn't killed Duke Diamonda but they killed her! They-"

"She tried and that is all it takes. She shouldn't have tried. It was foolish of her to think  that she would survive. She reaped what she sow."

How foolish.....she came to mess with me and she wants to leave without harm. This boy is too naive.

"So you're like her.....your cousin I mean." He clenched his teeth

"Yes. So what? At least I'm not like you. You're too naive."

"Shut up! Molly was killed because of her!"

Now the whole room is looking at us. This is so troublesome I could die.

"Don't blame my cousin. That Molly reaped what she sow. She tried killing the duke.It has been four years since she died anyways....imagine someone trying to kill your father but failed would you let him go?"

"Of course not! But killing is too much..."

"Hmmmm~how so? It's kill or to be killed. They've done it once and didn't even apologise which means they could have done it twice. It is for prevention you know?

The one who is calm here wins....this kid is too troublesome to deal with. Telling logic to a brainless pig will make no difference after all. Well he is just a child after all ,he wouldn't have thought that his friend is a vile person...he's quite pitiful if you look from another perspective.

"What is this commotion about?" A voice boomed throughout the room....finally Uncle Oliver is here..... I can rest.

What A Cliché....Reincarnated Into The Villainess (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now