Chapter 2

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When I got home, I unlocked the door and smelled a great smell coming from the kitchen. Pam is always making great food.

"Hey Pam! How were your classes?" I asked her.

"They were okay I guess. I like it more than I ever liked high school, I can tell you that for sure."

"Yeah me too, I guess. Anything exciting happen?"

"YES! Ok there is this really cute guy in my class his name is Liam and he has a super attractive body and his smile is TO LITERALLY DIE FOR and he's so smart and cute and oh my god!" she screeched. "How about you?"

I was debating whether or not to tell her about Harry. I decided to go ahead because knowing me it might slip one day and she would be pissed.

"Yes there was also this cute boy, Harry. Harry Styles."


"Well he has brown, curly hair and beautiful green eyes and he seems very mysterious, like he doesn't like anyone. I feel like he has an outgoing side, but doesn't show it. I'm not really sure. He's in school to be an author. And I received a no-" I stopped mid sentence wondering if I should keep it to myself.


"I forget."

Pam just rolled her eyes. She knows not to go any further with the conversation.

"That's the one thing that annoys me about you."


"How you keep everything to yourself. I was actually suprised that you told me about Harry just now. You are mysterious as well, Benton."

I didn't know how to reply so I just got up and fixed our plates.


The whole rest of the week didn't go different I had made small talk with Harry, but nothing exciting had happened other than getting invited to a party at a frat house.

When I got home, Pam wasn't there. Ever since she came home Tuesday and told me Liam had asked her to hang out, I haven't seen her much since. I turned and locked the door behind me and ran to my room.

I got dressed in just tight jeans and a t-shirt with my white high top converse and did my makeup lightly, not going too overboard because I'm not a slut, nor am I looking for anyone to hook up with tonight anyway. I grabbed my phone and called Pam.

On the second ring, she answered. "Hello?"

"Hey, where are you?"

"I'm at Liam's apartment. We are going to a party you should come!"

"I am coming. I was invited Wednesday. If you were ever home, you would know," I said, slightly annoyed.

"I'm sorry I've been spending a lot of time with Liam lately. Look, I have to go he just made us a snack. Goodbye."


I put my credit card in my phone case and my phone in my pocket and headed out the door.

I walked to the pizza place I saw on my way here the first day and went inside. I ordered a mini pepperoni pizza, just how I like it. I sat down in a booth and tried to entertain myself with some straws and straw wrappers.

I couldn't help but notice the pretty white lights and beautiful paintings on the wall, and the bell that rang every God damned time a person walked in.

I heard the bell ring again as I just finished blowing and straw wrapper at the back of the persons head sitting in front of me, I looked towards the door and in walked Harry Styles. His beautiful green eyes were brought out incredibly well because of the green t-shirt he was wearing. He saw me after he ordered and walked over to where I was sitting.

"Hello, love." Harry said to me, smiling.

"Hi, how are you?" I asked him.

"Good. I'm a little sick, which explains why I wasn't in fictional writing if you even cared enough to know," Harry jokes while smirking. His smirk is ADORABLE.

"Of course I care! I was just about to ask," I say, smiling back at him. "Are you going to sit?"

"Oh, yeah," Harry replies while flushing. He makes me so happy and excited.

"Number 76," a voice calls over the loudspeaker. "Number 77."

Harry and I both stand up and walk to the counter. They hand us our trays and we turn right back around and sit down.

"Pepperoni pizza, huh," he asks, trying to be clever and funny.

"Yes, I know. I'm boring." I laugh and he laughs along with me.

"You're as far from boring as one can get in my eyes."

I flush but quickly recover and tell him, "Thanks, I guess. I don't really know how to respond but I also think you're exquisite," I laugh at myself trying to use a big word. That is not me.

"You're adorable."

"And so are you," I stare at his smiling face. "I'm going to this party after I eat, would you like to come with?"

"Um.." he trails off, "I don't really know I'm not truly fond of big parties and other people. I like very few people so you should feel lucky."

I stare at him, mesmerized in the way his hair is perfectly curled. "That was supposed to make you laugh," he says to me, "Although it is very true."

"Same here. I would rather be alone but I think parties are fun because of the people there. I don't necessarily like them, but to watch them do things is quite the laugh."

"Maybe I will try that with you."

"You don't have to if you don't want to but-," I say but he cuts me off.

"I actually want to. I like being with you so why not extend our time we have together."

I smile at him and wonder how one can be so physically and mentally beautiful.

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