Chapter 3

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Shelby's POV

Once we were done eating, we threw the plates away, put the brown trays on the garbage can, and walked through the door, we walked to the party.

"So, I was wondering why you're so interested in writing," I said to him.

"I love the way it makes me feel. It makes me feel like I'm in the book and it makes me feel happy. I'm writing my emotions down and the words flow so smoothly through my pen. I've been writing journal entries since I was seven and I have the desire need for everything to sound poetic."

He makes everything sound so difficult and smart and I think I am really starting to like him. I like his smile the most.

Harry's POV

I look at Shelby after I answer her and just smile. She looks very confused.

"See how I just made you confused? I'm poetic just deal with it and enjoy it."

I stare at Shelby and remember how I fell in love with her. This is very clichè, but I honestly never really believed in love at first sight until Shelby. I looked at her and just felt pure admiration and affection, but more. Like passion mixed in with happiness. It is very hard to explain the feeling, but once you get it, it never goes away.

I hate how I wasn't really sick Friday, I was just trying to stay away from Shelby because I don't want her to get hurt like Sophia did. But since I couldn't stop thinking about her, I just came up with a whole bunch of new author notes. I just want a love like in the novels, but it's so much to ask.

"This is it," I hear her say to me and she turns at a sidewalk and walks up. I hear the awful music bursting through the speakers already and I can smell the pot I used to smell all the time from the yard. It makes me wrinkle my nose in disgust. Shelby looks up and taps my nose to make it go straight and I smile widely. I wish she loved me like I love her.

Shelby's POV
We walk into the house and I'm immediately given a drink of some sort. I find my way to a a couch while holding Harry's hand and dragging him with me. We sit down on a couch by the pool table and watch a game of beer pong go on. I laugh when someone spills the beer and one of the guys tries to start a fight. I get up and walk toward the kitchen and noticed that I lost Harry. After walking away from a scary, drunk guy hitting on me, I find Harry standing next to the steps talking to a girl.

"Hey Harry, I lost you. That guy over there tried to get me to go up in a room with him," I point my head towards the guy.

Harry looks at me with a weird, frantic expression. "This is Tatiana," he says completely ignoring my rant. I'm a little thrown off but quickly recover. "And this is Shelby."

"Hi Tatiana."

"Hi! How are you? Isn't Harry here just the cutest little thing?" She asks me.

"Yup, sure." I look her up and down and take in her appearance. She's wearing a bandeau with no shirt overtop and some extremely tight shorts.

"I'm going to go talk with Shelby now. Bye Tati," Harry tells her. "I will talk to you later."

"How do you know her?" I ask him as I walk away, watching her give me a dirty look.

"She's the dean's daughter."

"So? Why does he let her walk around like that?"

"I just don't want him to think I'm a bad person. And I don't know why he lets her. I don't think he has a say, anyway."

Harry's POV

"So? Why does he let her walk around like that?" Shelby asks me.

I'm not sure if I should tell her why I really care how I act towards her. I did use her to get in to the classes I have now, and last year, but I don't want to go back or even talk about those days.

"I just don't want him to think I'm a bad person. And I don't know why he lets her. I don't think he has a say, anyway."


After a few hours of watching Shelby talk to people, I get confused because Shelby is acting weird and not talking to me at all. I'm not sure whether or not I should say something, so I just don't.

"Are you okay?" I finally ask Shelby after the person she was talking to leaves to get a drink.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I kind of want to go home. Will you take me now? If you don't want to leave then I will just walk myself."

"I wouldn't let you walk by yourself at one in the morning. Go say goodbye to your friends I will wait by the door."

"Thank you."

She gets up to go say bye to her friends or something and I stand and wait for her. I see her hug a boy and I feel irritably jealous, which makes me want to start a fight. She walks over to me and we walk outside.

We walk in silence for a few minutes before she eventually spoke. "What's with you and Tatiana?"

"Nothing, we are just somewhat friends."

"Harry, tell me the truth."

"Why? Are you jealous?"

"No, I'm not, stop it," she replied, pissed off.

"Well, I'm sorry but I'm not ready to talk about it yet. I feel like I barely know you."

She didn't answer me but she just shook her head. "This is my building."

"Okay, bye Shelby." I don't know if I should hug her or kiss her like I want to, so I just waved.

"Bye H."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2015 ⏰

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