Chapter 1

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Shelby's POV

I awoke to my mother almost screaming my name, telling me to come downstairs. I rolled out of my bed and tried to make my bed look presentable. I walked out of my room and down the stairs.

"What's up?" I asked my mom, wondering why she called me down at ten in the morning.

"Pam's mom called and asked if you were ready to go."

"Sure, why not." I replied. All of my stuff is already packed up, so after I finished eating breakfast, I ran up the stairs to get my purse and phone.

As I was walking out of my room that I have had since I was four, I turned around and frowned, as if my room could feel bad for me. I walked down the stairs and headed out to the car so I can be on my way.


After we arrived at the airport, found Pam and her mom, and got on the airplane to London I was seated and ready for takeoff. I don't know why I was so excited to leave my mother and get to college. I feel like I can 'restart' my life and focus on my studies.

Back in high school, I obviously got good grades, but I didn't study ever. I went to parties every night I wasn't with my boyfriend, that ended up cheating on me, or Pam. This was my plan; to 'restart' my life.


The next morning l woke up in the bedroom in my apartment that we are renting. We got here yesterday, unpacked, and went right to sleep because we were exhausted.

I walked out of my room, down the tiny hallway, and into the good smelling kitchen.

"Good morning," Pam said, "Are you excited for classes?"

"Uh, sort of. I don't know, I'm kind of scared. I don't know what to expect."

"Yeah, me too. Well eat some pancakes because I did not spend twenty minutes making then for no reason," Pam said, smiling.

After we ate our pancakes and got ready, we hopped in Pam's car and we were at campus before I knew it.

I walked into my first class which was fictional writing. I was going to school to be a publisher and I took all of the English classes I could, just to know more about the subject.

I looked around for a place to sit and I found an empty spot right next to a guy with brown, curly hair and green eyes that could make anyone melt just by looking into them. I sat down next to him and he looked up from whatever he was writing.

"Oh, hello," he said. His deep, British accent made me like him even more. "I'm Harry. Harry Styles."

I stared into his eyes and smiled, "I'm Shelby. Shelby Benton," I said mimicking him.

"Nice to meet you. What are you going to school for?"

"I'm working to be a publisher, you?"

"I am going to be an author."

"Oh really?" I tease, "Are you good?"

"I don't know, you tell me," he said, smirking. His smirk is adorable.

He handed over his journal. Inside it held whatever he was writing. I took it from him and before I could start reading, he interrupted.

"Wait. I'm just starting this, so it's not that great. It just means..." he said, then stopped talking suddenly, shaking his head.


"Nothing. Just start reading," he said with a somewhat forced smile.

'He always wonders what it feels like to be in a relationship. An actual relationship where,' Before I could finish reading, Professor Mitchell walked in the room. I looked at Harry and then gave him his journal. I was upset, and wanted to know more about Harry.


A twenty minute lecture and one assignment later, we were dismissed from class and grabbed my bag, waved bye to Harry, and walked out of the room.

I went to the library before my next class to start the assignment and noticed I forgot my notebook.

I rushed back towards the classroom and grabbed my notebook. As soon as I picked it up, something fell out. It was a note.

'I always thought I would fall in love with someone when I got older. I knew I wouldn't use girls like I used to for the rest of my life. I never believed in love at first sight, therefore I never would have even thought about falling for someone I just laid eyes on. And I never thought it would be this soon in my life. Signed, author.'

I stood and stared at the note with my eyes wide and heard someone say my name.

"Shelby, I have a class coming in in 2 minutes."

"Sorry Professor." I said, cheeks flushed.

I thought about the note the rest of the day. I wondered who it could be.

I also wondered why Harry was in none of my other classes.

Wondering about that, I realized that I wanted that note to be from Harry, and I only have a small chance.

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