Michael - monster among men

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"I'm so bad for you, y/n. Why won't you see that?" He said and you could see how much it hurt him to admit it. You knew that right now you weren't good for each other. But that didn't take away that you loved one another. You loved him with all your heart even when he breaks it once again.

"We have our arguments and fights and differences but we work it out. We always do." You tried to reassure him. You didn't even have a big fight tonight and it was about something so stupid but it showed that you even argued over the little things now. You used to just give in when he was sure of himself that he was right. You didn't use to yell back and shout names at him too but ever since you did that, it only got worse. Both of you were too stubborn now to admit you were wrong so it ended in a door being slammed shut and ugly words without meaning being thrown around. "We just have to figure out a way not to kill each other." You reached out and placed your hand on his lower arm, his muscles tensing up under your touch and he looked at you, tears in the corner of his eyes. He looked away from you again quickly, it wasn't easy for him to admit he was wrong and looking at you made it even harder.

"I don't want to break your heart again, I don't want to be a monster among men. And right now I feel like I am. I am so horrible to you while you try so hard." He said and you knew he regretted every word he said, that every insult that came out of his mouth had no meaning at all. It were empty words but that didn't make them hurt less at the end. "I love you so much but I can't take it. I can see how much this hurts you every time."

"Stop worrying about me Mikey. I need a minute after a fight but I'm alright. I'm not made out of glass or fragile. We just have to find a way for you to deal with your demons, you can't let them knock down your door and win." You said and you placed your second hand on the side of his face, you made him look at you and the smallest smile came on his lips when your eyes connected. "You are not a monster Mikey. Because when we are not fighting, you are the most loving person that I know."

"It's time for me to admit that I'm an asshole. Do you really think we can work this out?"

"I know that we can. We just have to figure out a way to fight and have arguments without words flying around and doors being slammed shut." You replied and he finally seemed to relax a little.

"I won't break your heart again, I'll go see a therapist or whatever, I'll work on fighting my demons." He said and you nodded slowly. "I'm sorry."

"I know you are. Just try and use less offensive words next time. We'll do this one step at a time, one argument at a time." You said as a joke and he let out a soft chuckle. "We'll be okay."

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