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You know those feelings when you are laying in bed and you feel like your falling? That's what happened to me.

One moment I'm swimming through the darkness, feeling as light as a feather, then quickly falling to the ground, as if my body gained all of it's weight back.

My body slammed to the cold ground and my eyes shot open, along with a blood curdling scream that came from the burning flame in my ribs and chest. My face slammed against the ground, making me scream louder from the pain in my cheek.

My whole body hurt so bad that all I could do was scream.

Luckily, the nurses came rushing in just shortly after I hit the floor. I screamed and screamed as they picked me and and rested me back on the bed.

My body had felt instant relief, but still hurt. I had tears rolling down my cheeks and into my mouth.

"Ms. Brooks, are you okay? How did you fall?" A red-headed nurse asked me, nervously fidgeting.

"I-I just fell," I squeaked, I could barley get passed the burning pain in my whole body.

"Okay, we'll notify your aunt that you had jut gotten out of coma," the nurse turned away and I had almost forgotten about the pain.

"Wait, what?" I turned my head to face her.

"Your aunt Joy, I'm going to go get her," she nodded.

"Yeah, but I didn't know I was in a coma!" I yelled. The nurse took a step back and stared at the ground. "Please tell me what's going on? What happened?" I sighed, trying to get comfortable. Being in as much pain as possible, that wasn't a reality at a moment.

"You were involved in a car accident, but we were informed to give you little to no information," the nurse sighed, and turned around, walking out the door.

I laid there on my own until there was a light knock on the door.

"Come in," I croaked. I wasn't able to get very many words out. I was to busy wondering why they were keeping this whole car accident a secret. I looked over at the door where my aunt walked in with a tall dark haired boy. He looked kind of Asian, but very familiar.

"Hey honey, how are you feeling?" She asked standing by my bed.

"Fine, I guess," I was still staring at the boy. I finally realized that he was my cousin. I remember a few childhood memories and a few things about my mom, but nothing about the accident.

"Oh honey," she said rubbing my arm. I flinched, but my arm didn't hurt. My feelings did. It hurt that I was told by the nurse that no one was going to tell me about the stupid accident. All I know is I'm hurt, pretty bad and I could have died.

"Don't touch me," I snapped. Right now I didn't want anyone near me. My heart was hurting and it felt like it was in need for someone. I felt empty and cold and there was only a blank to go along with those feelings.

I was missing the majority of my life and the things I could remember was hurting me. I remembered having to move here with my aunt because if my dad. I remember when I started high school. I even remember a ton of things I have learned. I was just missing a ton of social events and other things that seemed important to me.

Joy sighed and looked at me.

"Honey, I have to tell you something very important," she grabbed my hand and squeezed it. My heart started pounding and all of a sudden my mind went fuzzy. I saw her mouth moving and tears start to fall from her eyes and the only word I got out of it was, pregnant. My mind cleared back up.

"What?" I asked hastily.

"You're pregnant and we don't know who the father is," she cried.

"I-I," I felt my stomach, "but I don't even know who the dad is either," my mind was hazy, but clear enough for me to hear the rest of her information.

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