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I quickly washed up in the bath and got out, getting dressed for the day.

I decided on a Blink-182 tee with a black sweatshirt over it. Topping it off with my usual ripped skinny jeans, and combat boots.

I tied my hair into a messy bun and out my make-up on a little more heavily than normal. I forced a fake smile, looking in the mirror, and headed downstairs.

Calum looked at me worriedly, then smiled.

"Hey Cal," I whispered.

"Hey Winn," he whispered back. I looked at him and sat down at the table, taking a deep breath.

"Cal, I'm really sorry about yesterday. I wasn't expecting a letter like that from my mother. You were right, I really shouldn't have read that," I stared down at the table.

"Winny, it's okay. I really understand," he smiled. Soon Joy walked into the dinning room setting bowls of oatmeal in front of us.

"Thanks Joy," I smiled widely.

Breakfast was all empty conversation and small talk, and by everything that was unsaid, I had a feeling Joy knew about the letter.

In the middle of a long, drawn out silence, I got a text message.

Luke- Let's hang out.

Me- Eh, I don't feel good.

Luke- I know why. Let's talk about it.

I bit down on my lip, and twirled my thumbs around.

Me- Fine. Pick me up in 5 minutes.

Luke- Got it.

"Joy, I'm going out," I said finishing my oatmeal.

"Winny, I don't think that's a good idea. We really need to talk," she sighed. I looked up at her with sad eyes.

"Everyone seems to want to talk," I spat. Joy's head jerked back in surprise.

"Fine go out," she sighed pushing away from the table and shuffling back to her room. Cal looked at me with disgusted eyes.

"You haven't even been here a week and you already hurt her," he stood up quickly, his chair landing with a thud, and him storming to Joy's room.

My eyes were wide with shock. I didn't know Cal cared about his mother that much, I mean I'm not one to know, but I thought you were supposed to get annoyed with your mom.

I shook my head, along with the strange feeling in my stomach. I grabbed my bowl and washed it, while waiting for Luke.

When the doorbell rang, I ran to the door and took a deep breath.

"Hey Luke," I said looking at the tall, blonde boy standing in front of me.

"Hey Winny," he smiled.

"So where are we going to 'talk'" I emphasized the word talk.

"I was just planning on driving you around," he said pulling me out the door, "but my mind has changed, so it's a secret," he chuckled, throwing me into the car, and jumping in himself.

"You're not kidnapping me, are you?" I giggled.

"Nah, I wouldn't do that," he chuckled back.

After driving for about an hour, we pulled up to an abandoned part of the coast. Luke got out and spread out a blanket.

After a minute if silence, he spoke.

"Winny, what was that? What happened at Joy's house?" He said with worried eyes.

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