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                   May 27th,2019
           Manhattan Beach,CA
* Corey made Ciara life impossible during the road trip ciara broke down

* Ciara and Cody have been hot at bat.

* Kian Robert Lawley and Ciara Anahi Salas known eachother since 2014 she was 15 and Kian was 19 at the time was dating andrea ru. We remain great friend's. The families brought us together we went our separate ways cause ciara was focused on baseball.

* they also went with ciara when she first debuted with the dodgers.

* When ciara left baseball she left social media and lost contact with Kian but his parent's had ciara new number that same year ciara mom died first then after the dad. Ciara had it the toughest she managed through. Kian parent's went to her mom funeral.

* When they found out that ciara was pronounced dead then a week later in coma Kian was emotionally devastated he was the first to see her wake up from Coma.

A month before

Kian made a group chat added all of Our 2nd Life except connor since he said he doesn't want to be involved.

Sam: Hello!

Kian: The reason I gather you all together in text message because I want you all to be present during May 27 so that means fly to California because I am proposing ☺.

Trevor Moran: who??

Kian Lawley: do you guys remember Ciara A. Salas

Ricky Dillon: wait, really?? OMG isn't she in baseball?

JC: wait yall never went out

Sam: those two always liked eachother deep down.

-------------- San Clemente,CA ------------

Everyone gonna gather at Kian house with the family everybody set it out have a memorial feast that's what ciara knows.

After the game she hurried to the bottom of the clubhouse changed quickly by the time they came down she was already curling her hair.

Cody Bellinger: damn where are you going?

Ciara Salas: I have a family date in San Clemente haven't seen them since my mom passed away.

Clayton Kershaw: long drive!! Better hurry.

Alex Verdugo: are you sure you're not taken?

Ciara: I'm straight now let me go!

An hour later arrived to Kian Parent's house....

Ciara Salas P.O.V
I brought flowers for ms Lawley and t for late happy mother's day and a present for the baby and the rest sibling something cool.

Kian Lawley: which car you're driving so i can know?

Ciara Salas:

Ciara Salas:

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