September 27th, 1927

721 13 1

On a cool, crisp, early Autumn afternoon, the city of manhattan is bustling with people, but near a back alley by the elementary school, the serene calm of this Friday is interrupted by the scuffle of a small street fight.

Three large boys of ten are huddled around a small, sickly boy of nine years old.

The older boys are tormenting him about his size and poor health.

"What's wrong, shrimpy? Can't breathe?" One asked holding the poor Asthmatic in a headlock.

"Yeah!" Another laughed, "Poor beanpole, can't even fight!" He teased.

"I could do this all day!" The little boy said biting the first kid and sucking in a deep breath, before wheezing and diving into his pocket for his inhaler.

"Shouldn't have done that, kid." The oldest boy said, the three boys hoisted him up, and threw him into the dumpster as the bell rang signalling the end of recess.

After a stampede of running footsteps and about ten minutes of fighting the garbage to get out, little Steve Rodgers fell back, exhausted, he'd fought those bullies all through recess and his head and neck still hurt from being in a head lock that long. His lungs ached and his frail muscles burned.

He heard footsteps coming and he listened closely.

One set.

So the three of them weren't returning, maybe just one?

Maybe it's the janitor about to toss another couple of bags in on top of him.

The lid of the large dumpster was raised and another body fell down next to him.

He was so confused.

"Who threw you in?" He asked through the darkness, it didn't make any sense, he'd only heard one set of footsteps.

"No one, I decided to come join you." A boys voice declared. "But between the two of us, I think we should find a better hangout- this one smells." Steve couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm Steve." He said sticking his hand out instinctively.

"Bucky." The two boys blindly felt around until their hands met.

"Nice to meet you." Steve said.

"I am sincerely hoping that is your hand I am shaking there, Steve." Bucky said.

"It is." Steve said still smiling.

"I think we are going to be the best of friends, Steve, the very best."

"I hope so, too."

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