October 25, 1944

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Meanwhile, in Siberia.

"Sir, it's been months and we have still failed to get any cooperation from the Winter solider. The brain washing attempts are not working." A young scientist reported to Dr. Zola.

"Yes, I see, we have altered our techniques many times, but I believe we are looking at this the wrong way." He pondered.
"What do you mean, Arzt?" The solider asked.

"Maybe the way to break the American is not through his mind, but his heart." The doctor grinned a terrible grin as an evil idea hatched In his mind.

Back in New York City, a young woman and her five month old baby lived with her brother and his "roommate", in a cozy loft apartment in Brooklyn.

Annabelle had officially moved out of the lovely little one bedroom place that she'd shared with the love of her life, and their precious baby would never know that place where her parents had been so happy. But it was for the best, Annabelle needed help with the baby and she couldn't handle staying there without him. So the odd family of four now lived in an airy loft.

Annabelle was back at work at the local hospital, administrating aid to sick and injured people was a welcome distraction to the war widow. She paid close attention to the war efforts and was pleased to see that the allied forces had gained the upper hand, hopefully the war would end soon and the land of Liberty could begin its long road to recovery.

Annabelle had recently received a letter from Steve, who was, against the judgement of his superiors, still keeping Annabelle in the loop of all the going one of the howling commandos. They were closing in on Johann Schmitt, the failed science experiment that called himself both the "red skull" and the leader of the HYDRA cult. Within a matter of days, Steve believed they would seize the leader and begin to disassemble the organization and finally avenge James.

Annabelle was happy with the success of the commandos, who begged her to return, to no avail. But she worried for their safety.

They say war is won by boys in bullets but they forget how often those boys take bullets. She'd written in her last letter to Steve. I know how much he meant to you Steve, but you are still here, and I am still here, and we need each other to recover from this horrible tragedy. I need you to keep yourself safe, and the team. You aren't just soldiers, Steve, you're brothers, fathers, sons, and friends. They all have people who love and need them. Don't risk their lives to ease your pain, it won't bring him back.

She knew it was harsh, but the colonel had written her back and thanked her for knocking some sense in the "star spangled idiot" as he called him. He'd asked about the baby, and how she was doing, and if she needed anything, he checked in monthly to make sure the young widow and her small child were safe and okay. He was a good man, and cared very much for all the men in his care, and was deeply saddened by their deaths.

But to an extent, death was another part of war. A lesson which Annabelle's family was far too familiar with. Danny had died on a beach in France on June 6th, 1944. In a military op referred to as D-Day, his efforts had been influential and had been a major turning point. But never the less, another Adams boy was slaughtered by a stranger in foreign soil for a cabinet of politicians who cared nothing for the damage that had ripped through their nations due to their negligence and carelessness for human life.

Annabelle was in such turmoil that she thought she'd never recover, her very heart and soul had been crushed by the loss she'd incurred while "important" men bargained with lives as if they were poker chips.

She sat on the floor, a blanket spread out and Bethany laid on her tummy, shaking her rattle and cooing happily. "Hey baby, how was your day?" Annabelle asked, as she flipped through the envelopes on the coffee table, she found another letter from the colonel and opened it swiftly. "The colonel sent mommy another letter, I wonder what stupid and reckless thing Uncle Stevie has decided to do now?"

Dear Mrs. Barnes.

I wish I had better news to write you with, but you know him better than anyone, so hopefully you can talk some sense into that Star Spangled Idiot parading around my base and stirring up shit.

He's decided to storm the biggest HYDRA base and take Schmitt as a war criminal. On paper it really doesn't seem that bad, but you know as well as I do that there is no way that will end well. I'm under orders to keep taking small bases and wait for Hitler's surrender to strike against Schmitt. Rogers has a point, and we're going to take the base any way, I need you to convince him to be careful and not let his damn emotions get in the way. We need to take Schmitt alive, and our main mission is to save as many of their prisoners as possible. This would be a lot easier with you here, talking this maniac off of the edge, but I understand why you can't. I continue to pray for you and your daughter, I wish you both the best in all of your endeavors and should you ever need anything at all don't hesitate to write me.

Annabelle smiled sadly. She missed the troupe and the missions they went on together. And now she was filled with emotions. This whole thing could be over so soon. They could take out Schmitt and Hydra. Steve could come home and they could figure out what to do next. He'd probably marry Peggy, they'd live in a cute little apartment, Bethany would babysit for their kids when she's older and Steve would come over a couple times a week to check on us and bring us things that he thought we'd need. The idea of having Steve back eased the pain in her chest. She missed him so much she couldn't stand it and even through she worried she was so excited about the idea of having him home again that it was about all she could focus on. But nevertheless she wrote to him for the colonel.

Dear Steve,
Colonel Phillips sent me a letter to update me on the squadron. He told me about the mission you'll be going on. I really hope you understand how much you mean to me and how much I need you right now. I love you. And if Bethany has to grow up without her dad she better not lose her uncle Stevie too. So be careful. Keep your mind focused and don't get distracted by your emotions or anything else. But do what you have to do. Come home soon.
All my love,
Annabelle Barnes.

She handed Bethany over to her brother, and went out into the frigid evening air She sent the letter with a stamp to the camp they were set up at. She closed her eyes and stood in front of her mailbox, and said a silent prayer for the man she loved as much as her brothers. The snow was coming down in drifts, Winter was coming early this year, and with a powerful force. She stood on the snow, her boots sinking in slowly, her eyes clamped tightly shut as her lips moved silently, begging any entity to protect Steve. She really didn't think she could survive another loss.

She took a deep breath in, the cold air piercing her soul, her lungs ached from it and her exposed skin was beginning to feel numb, finally she felt the same on the outside that she'd had in her chest for months. It was oddly comforting, the stinging numbness, if only she'd known the pain coming for her she'd have gone inside and never stepped out again.

But alas, fate has its own plans for us all


So, according to Google translate "Arzt" is German for Doctor. So that's what we're going with.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2018 ⏰

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