March 30th, 1944

55 0 0

Steve had gone numb he sat stunned by the massive gaping hole that had swallowed the best friend he'd ever had, in just a moment, hardly inches from safety, a young man, full of spirit and potential had been ripped from life in a blink of an eye. Such a simple fluke as the breaking of a steel rod had stolen from this world one of the brightest lights to ever shine.

The commandos had stormed the rest of the train and had apprehended Zola. "Steve, it's time to go." Dum dum said gently, patting the hero's shoulder.

"Bucky." Steve whispered, his voice not his own, his chest felt like it was caving in. Dum dum picked him up and half carried him off of the train. Steve's head was fuzzy, nothing made sense. Then, as his feet crashed back Onto the snow, he realized that what was coming was even worse than what he'd just witnessed. Now he had to tell Annabelle.

"Steve, it's okay, we'll tell her." Dum Dum and James said, as the coma does neared camp. Steve hadn't uttered a word since they left the train.

"No, it should be me." He said, he remembered the day that Bucky met Annabelle, he had introduced them, he had helped Bucky gain the courage to ask her out, he had been the best man at their wedding and the godfather of their child. He had loved Bucky, and he loved Annabelle, and now he would have to see her grief, and he was now to be tasked with watching Bethany got up, without her father. It was this thought that broke the dam and the tears began to flow.

The base was bustling with activity, everyone was preparing for the new guest. Steve's glance slipped in the direction of the Barnes residence. He could hear Bethany crying, and it was enough to set him off again. He went into the colonels tent, with the remainder of his squadron, to give the mission report.

Steve sat there, still dazed while his team recounted their mission to the colonel, James had to pull Steve out of his trance, when it came time to explain what had happened to Bucky.

"He just." Steve stumbled over his words, disconnected vowels and consonants stringing together into an incomprehensible slur. "Fell." Finally fell out.

"He fell?" The colonel asked. "Damn." The colonel tugged at his hair and rubbed his hands over his face. "What are we gonna do about..." He inhale sharply. "Alright, we'll finish those reports in the morning." He stood up. "Gentlemen, you're dismissed, except for you Captain." Steve's breath hitched, the anvil on his chest felt even heavier.

"Yes, sir?" He softly muttered.

"You want a drink, kid?" The colonel asked, pulling out two glasses and poured scotch in both and slid one glass across the table to the heartbroken man. "I've been doing this for twenty years, Steve." He said softly, throwing back the whole glass. "This part never gets easier." He sat in the chair next to Steve and patted his shoulder. "I'll take care of his widow, and his kid." Steve's breath hitched and he choked down a sob.

"No, I've been there for them from day one, I introduced them, I'm Bethany's God father, it needs to be me." Steve's eyes filled with tears again and he stood up, downed the scotch and walked out of the tent.

Steve stood in front of their tent and realized that he couldn't go in. He couldn't face her. He couldn't look into those big green eyes and break her heart.

"Steve?" She opened the tent and looked at him, "hey." Her smile split into a huge grin and she hugged him. "Come in, but be quiet, Beth is sleeping, where's Bucky?"  Steve couldn't breathe, he walked in and satin their bed, staring at the little sleeping miracle, a few tears slipped and Annabelle sat next to him.

"Steve?" Her voice sounded concerned, she didn't say a word, she just hugged him. "What's wrong?" He stood up and paced a few times.

"Steve what's wrong, you're scaring me." He tugged at his hair, he kneeled in front of her.

"Annabelle, something happened." Her face twisted into one of terror.

"Where's  James, is he okay? Where is he, Steven, what's going on?!" She placed her hands on his shoulders.

"He's gone, Bells." Steve's voice cracked and he watched her face as her whole world came crashing down. She fell into his arms and the two sat on the floor, in a tight embrace and sobbed in anguish for their shared loss. 

For what felt like days Steve sat on the floor, he was hugging Annabelle as tightly as he could make crying into her hair and wishing for his best friend back.

"What- what- happ-happened?" She finally asked, shuddering and choking on her words.

"He- he um." Steve looked at her big minty eyes and he lost the ability to talk.

"It's okay." She nodded, tears streaming down endlessly. "You don't have to tell me now." She leaned onto his shoulder and continued to cry, her small frame was shaking like a leaf and he couldn't take it. He fell apart all over again. 

Authors note:

Not gonna lie, I weirdly wanted to kind of work some romance between Steve and Annabelle but then I was like no wayyy. So yeah that was a weird little thought I had writing this chapter.

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