March 30, 1944

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Bethany Florence Barnes had dark red hair and massive blue eyes, and in only nine days had managed to steal the heart of everyone that had seen her.

Half the infantry had been to see her, and the rest hadn't heard about anything else. She was a star, and she was the most beautiful thing anyone had seen since his damn war started.

She was lying in her crib looking up at the homemade mobile made of old bullets and bottle caps. It had been a gift from Steve's howling commandos, they'd taken a tire rim and attached the oddities found around the camp with twine, and little Bethany watched them in wonder. And Annabelle watched her in wonder, sitting on a stool next to the crib, leaning her chin on the rail. She had lost track of time a while ago, she could stare at that beautiful child for days and it still wouldn't feel like long enough.

Annabelle had called jack as soon as she could to tell him about his beautiful niece that had just come into the world. He'd been tasked to tell the family all about her, and Annabelle had sent Polaroids the very next day.

James was out, halfway through a two day mission, with Steve and the commandos. they were going to extract an informant off of a train, it was a delicate mission and it had taken Steve quite a while to talk him into leaving Bethany. But Bucky was still a soldier, and had duties as such. His return was set to be only a matter of hours, but it would never come.

Bucky's POV.

We all stood on the side of a mountain, the cold winter Winds driving snow in door skin like tiny frozen knives. On a makeshift table late a large number of maps and FiOS, Steve finished explaining the mission again only minutes before and now I sit on a rock thinking of the two beautiful girls waiting for me back at camp, to see them again is my only desire.

All these men that Steve assembled all those months ago were standing around, waiting for the train to come like a silver ribbon around the mountain, we stood quietly, the howling winds at our backs and we prepared for the extraction. The lines were set, the harnesses ready, it was only to be a matter of moments before we'd leap into action and kidnap the German scientist. We hoped that taking the evil doctor would send a shock wave through the HYDRA forces and weaken them.

Someone called through the wind, "90 SECONDS TO THE LAUNCH POINT!" Steve cam behind me and clapped my shoulder, I stumbled forward a step and chuckled, if I knew this man another 80 years I don't think I'd ever get used to his new strength and size. Somehow I think I'll always be protective of him.

We prepared for the jump. Ten seconds

He looked at me and I looked at him and our faced hardened, this was a delicate mission. Nine seconds.

Every the tinies miscalculation would lead to us careening into the side of the train or even splashing against the moiuntain like insignificant bugs on a windshield. Eight seconds.

I closed my eyes briefly, trying to concentrate on the mission, but I found myself seeing the same thing I've been seeing every time I've closed my eyes for nine days. Seven seconds.

Her hands were so tiny, her red curls so fine and delicate, her blue eyes like crystals set into her ivory skin. She looked so like her mother. Six seconds.

I had to stay focused on the mission, I wasn't goIng to let anything stop me from holding my little girl again. Five seconds.

I focused on the wind blowing and sending shards of soft snow into my skin, burrowing in, freezing my very bones. Four seconds.

Capturing Zola is the most important thing for the allied forces, once we have him custody it won't be long before this war can end. Three seconds.

She was fifteen when they met. And when she first shook her hand as Annabelle Adams he could feel in the depths of his hart the tug that she was meant for him. Their story had only begun, their love was one for the ages. All his life, there were plenty of things that he had questioned, even this very mission, but not one day since that June afternoon in 1934 had he ever doubted that he would spend every day for the rest of his life loving Annabelle Liberty Barnes. Two seconds.

She was his soul mate. And the first love of his life, and together they had brought into the world the second love of his life. And in a split second before the time came he closed his eyes and saw his two true loves, one in each arm, back in their apartment in Brooklyn. He smiled and he jumped. He jumped for them. 

A:N/ Polaroids were technically invented in 1948 but I'm the author and i can bend time to suit my story lol.

also, im sorry but you guys knew this was coming. but this isnt the end of #annabuck. more updates to come.

For old times sakeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang