Chapter II

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I was tired as hell, but I got up and stretched my stiff bones. It was 6 in the morning on my first day of college. I'm glad, this means this will be my last time sleeping, no, living in this shit hole.

The boxes I packed were already shoved in the trunk and so the only thing in my room was my phone and spare clothes for today. The rest is in the car, not that I had that much anyway. I think the only thing that I had besides clothes and toiletries and instruments was one music box my mother gave to me before she did...that.

I shook my head. It wasn't her fault, I would've done the same thing, maybe.

I took a shower and got ready for today. I had a black hoodie with jeans to match and my turquoise blue sneakers I always wear. I parted my hair to where my scar was covered by it, dark red and white locks intertwining to create a barrier between air and skin. My hair was long enough to reach barely past my chin. Sure I looked like some sort of goth, but it didn't bother me. I looked at the time. 7 am, I'd have to leave now before that demon wakes-

"Shoto! Come here!" a deep voice called through the halls. Great. I stuffed my phone and air pods into my pocket before exiting the room and made my way down to the dining room. There the man was, lounging around on the couch in his boxers, exposing his body except for the groin. It was truly a disgusting sight. He must've heard my footsteps because he turned to face me, a deep scowl forming into his hideous features.

"You are a disgrace to this family by wearing your hair like that. Fix it," he demanded ironically. I rolled my eyes, one invisible to him.

"Says the one whose almost naked out in the open," I scoff with a blank face, "don't you realize you have young women in this home that has the unfortunate title of your daughters?" The bulky man stood up and towered over me, though, I was used to it. He slapped my left side, fully aware of how my hair will hide the inevitable bruise.

"Oi, don't talk to me like that you bastard. This is my home and I can do whatever I please," he deeply growled, earning me another slap on the same side.

"You'll have one less kid around. Be grateful I'm leaving for good," I terse. He looks at me with an angry yet confused expression.

"What the hell do you mean?"

"I'm moving into the dorms. It won't cost anything since I have a full scholarship there so you don't have to worry about paying for shit," I inform. He stares down at me and I couldn't figure out if it was distraught or gratitude.

"You little fucker. You think you can just run away like the coward you are? I raised you better than that and yet you still defy me." He clinched his fist and sent a punch to my face. I've been slapped numerous of times and even kicked once or twice, but I was never punched. Even though I was caught off guard, I dodged it.

"You don't want them to start asking questions, do you?" I ask, fully aware of how powerless he is. He gritted his teeth and dug his nails into his sweaty palms.

"Go you piece of filth. Go and never come back or I'll kill you," he said through his clenched jaw. I had to smile at those words.

"Who says I ever made plans to come back?" I say sarcastically before reaching for the door knob. I glanced back at him for a brief moment before stating, "But lay a finger on my siblings, and your ass will be in prison. Some advice I would consider if I were you."

I left before that bastard could attack me again. I felt anew. Free from the shackles my father trapped me in. I was now an adult, and starting to live my life the way I wanted to. I won't be a crazed maniac who doesn't do their work and attend every party in the city. No, that doesn't sound appealing to me. I'm going to a prestigious music and art academy, UA or Yuei. Whatever it is, I'm going to work hard to achieve what I want to become. A famous violinist who everyone looks up to. I want to acquire friends that I can hang out with who doesn't mind my presence. I wanna share feelings of love for someone who accepts me for who I am and doesn't treat me like some royal prodigy.

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