Chapter Six

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"Sho! Sho! Sho, are you okay?" Izuku was hurting and he felt like he could pass out, but he needed to make sure his boyfriend was okay.
"Sho?" He shook his boyfriend to try and get him awake. His eyes were closed, but he was still breathing.
' Where was Mr.Aizawa when this happened? How were they so quiet? Did Sho even make a struggle?' Izuku tried to push these thoughts out of his mind. Todoroki's uniform had been burned off him on the left side shoulder, and he had a burn on his shoulder. ' That looked like it hurt..Kacchan can  have gotten expelled for this, did he even think?' Izuku threw Todoroki over his shoulder, and carried him to Recovery Girls' office.
He started to feel his legs weaken, but he needed to get there. 'I'm almost halfway there!'

As soon as he slammed open the door to her  office, he crumpled and felt his knees hit the floor.
"Midoriya! Todoroki! What's happened to you two?" She ran over to immediately.  Izuku could barely speak, he was hurting on his entire right side, and had a splitting headache, and was trying not to cry. He could feel a bruise forming on his chest from where Bakugo had pushed him.
"Todoroki.. Kacchan..he..they.. I.." Izuku had started to tear up, and was struggling to stay conscious.
"Midoriya, come,come! Sit down! I'll take care of Todoroki." She said in a calming voice as she lifted Todoroki onto a bed. "His shoulder's badly burned, but he'll be alright. What happened to you two? I heard you mention something about Bakugo? Was this another fight?"
"I was too late, I was looking for Todoroki In homeroom, and my friends had said he went with Kacchan . I was worried because he  had made threats to us yesterday, so I went to go find them, I found Todoroki like this, but Kacchan pushed me onto the ground, and I got injured. I carried Todoroki here..." Izuku tried to make as much sense as he could without crying. "This is all my fault.."
"Oh no..Let me call Mr.Aizawa and All Might. Lay down! You're hurt too!"

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