Chapter Five

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"Sho?" Izuku found himself asleep on the couch next to Todoroki, their hands intertwined. He was asleep, and it was about 4' O clock in the morning. They had a pleasant night, filled with studying and many kisses. They warmed up ramen for dinner, and fell asleep around 12 together.
"Mmh?" Todoroki mumbled as he turned to face Izuku. He planted a kiss on his forehead.
"What time is it?"
"Uhh.. about four!"
"Why are you awake?"
"I can't sleeeeeep!"
"Neither can I."
"Hey Sho?"
"Yeah Izu?"
"I love you." Izuku wrapped his arms around Todoroki's shoulders and kissed him on the cheek.
"I love you too." Todoroki rubbed Izuku's back and slowly felt him fall back asleep.

"Hey Deku!" Uraraka got up from her chair to greet Izuku as he walked in the classroom.
"Good morning Uraraka!" Izuku said as they walked to their usual spots.
"Is Todoroki here yet?" Izuku asked looking around for his boyfriend.
"Hmm...I saw him walk out with Bakugo a few minutes ago, I'm not sure why though." Uraraka said.
Izuku immediately thought about how Bakugo reacted when he was him and Todoroki together, he thought of his words.
"Just know if I ever see you and that icy hot bastard again, I'll kill both of you."
"I'm sorry you guys, I have to go." Izuku got up and ran into the hallway.
"Kacchan? Sho?" Izuku was frantically looking down the hallway, searching for any sign of his boyfriend.
"Sho?" He called again, when he saw Todoroki crumpled against the wall, with Bakugo strutting down the hallway.
"Sho!" Izuku ran to get closer to him, but was stopped by Bakugo.
"I told you, if I ever saw you and that bastard together again, I'll kill you!" Izuku wanted to speak, but the words were pushed out of him by Bakugo pushing him into the ground.
"I hope you learned your lesson, shitty Deku."

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