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Yujin Pov

Never in my life I've seen Chaewon act like this. Most of the time she would be expressionless, but now shes showing too much. I don't get it.

"Why are you spacing out?" offering a cup of juice to her I smiled shortly. There's too much things to do just to be sitting out here watching the others go crack.

"Nothing." she answered and gladly took the cup, I really sometimes wonder if she and Chaewon got into the same group because they share the same everyday doings. The way their life cycles around, the way they let themselves be with silence. I really wonder.

But now is not the time for those things to burden my mind. What I want to focus is on the time I'm going to spend with everyone. "Say Minjoo." eyes pinned to Chaewon even from a far I sipped on my juice for a moment before continuing. "Have you ever seen Chaewon act like this?

"Have you ever held her hand like that?" pertaining to Yuri gripping Chaewon's hand as they run away from Yena who chases after them. The duck wanted to go on a swimming already but of course the other two doesn't want yet.

"No." she plainly replied and took the juice to it's end, putting it on top of the table she stood up. We're not close." 

So it's true when they're just classmates, that somehow made me breathe normally. These past few days I felt like I'm being choke by some kind of I don't know-- but it scares me more than anything.

"I'll be going first."

"Have fun."

Minjoo Pov

"Stop playing." Chaewon restricted and took the uno cards we were playing, I was in winning streak already but the cards disappeared in a second. It's because  she can't play it, or maybe she hates it because everywhere is such a chaos. "I'll be going to my room first, make sure to clean those mess after." 

Eventually she left and went to the other room, we were supposed to share rooms but the number of people isn't balanced so we ended up taking individual places. But it's just one door away so no need to think that much.

The game continues, until it reached midnight. Every shuffled cards is an additional bet on it. Even the deals are raising to the point we're already talking about Chaewon, I expected it already since I'm up against this puppy,

"I really like her, since I met her, we crossed path." how I wish everyone was as courageous as her to be this confident in confessing, despite of the absence of the subject. She told me she has this dream that she want to achieve and so I helped her."

"And now she's here."

"I'm happy for her."

"I wish her the best."

"How about you?" ah, I was too occupied with her words that I got lost already. What was even our topic on the first place?

"Chaewon?" I unsurely asked and thought for a second, what else can I have to say about her. I can't seem to remember, no-- I can't seem to arrange every part of her moment in my life to the point I don't know what to say first-- and now I'm speechless.

"A friend."

"A classmate."

Everyone had the chance to talk about what they think of each of person in the group. We all felt like we were open on that time, we were free to say what we want-- and that's the most comfortable feeling ever.

The day didn't  last that long, and to what I expect they slept on me. These kids really chose to sleep on the floor instead of going back to their room, such handful people.

One by one I carefully carried them to my bed, right this was suppose to be my room but now it's everyone's. Why are they so heavy, but oh well at least they all can sleep that would do. I left Yujin on the floor though, since we're not that close and it's kinda inappropriate for me to do such thing like I did to the couple.

Sigh, now I have to go to other room so I could take my rest as well. But I have to pass through Chaewon's -- I contemplated for a second. 

I just hope she's asleep already.

Slowly creeping out the place hoping it wont wake anyone up I took quiet steps outside. Much to my surprise I crossed path with Chaewon who was supposed to go to I don't know-- probably check out for Yujin?

"Why aren't you still sleeping?" she asked and took a peek of the sleeping wild animals inside the mini zoo. I really called my own room a zoo, weird.

I really wanted to close the door already because the hallway emits too much light the others might wake up, but since I think she really wants to keep an eye to the puppy then I guess I won't ."I don't know." 

"Can you at least give me a proper answer?" the change of tone is felt, did that annoyed her? I think it did, but this also irritates me. For some reason that I shouldn't be. "Look.."

"I'm sorry okay."

"For everything."

"For leaving--"

I'm confused once again, only her can make me feel like this. Everything doesn't make sense. If she's sorry then..

"Just stay." I requested, without my conscious I already wrapped my arms around her. Dumb Minjoo, stupid-- those words aren't enough yet to describe myself. Currently feeling her warmth, ignoring the distressing past, the scar she left, the unbearable agony she made me experience. "Let me be like this for a minute, please."

It's really hard to keep something so loud to silence even if you deny it hundred times, it's still there and you can't get over it.

I will not give up on you Chaewon. 

That was the line I said to her, that I'm still keeping until now. Despite the distance, the obstacles, despite everything I chose to remained true to my words. But I think I reached my limitation.

"I will not give up on you Chaewon."

"Do you still remember that?" Breaking the hug I made sure she wont be able to get a glimpse of my gloomy expression. I can't bear to look like this in front of her, though I already did-- but this time I wont show it again.

Just being able to this close to her again is already enough for me. "Yes I do."

"Then forget it now."

"I'm giving you up."

"You can go now sorry for bothering.."

Did I lie to myself? Have I reached the highest point of realization? That there's nothing I can do now but to watch her from a distance? See her being taken care by someone that I was suppose to be doing. Maybe I did.

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