14. I'm Madly, Deeply, in Love with You

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Kelsey's POV

Since Julian and I got back together he has been staying with Chase and I because football season was over. I've never have felt so complete in my life. Everyday I feel so grateful for the people who I am surrounded by. I woke up to Julian's arms wrapped around me. I smiled down at him and kissed his forehead which woke him up. 

Julian: Mhm..what did I do to deserve this much love this morning and everyday

Kelsey: you're cheesy haha

Julian hugged me tighter and gave me a kiss. I never wanted to leave his arms. 

Julian: I'm so in love with you bubby

Kelsey: I am soooo in love with you with my whole heart Jules

Julian: Marry me?

Kelsey: Haha what bubs are you crazy? you're practically half a sleep still!

Julian sprung up to his knees, cupped my face, and kissed my lips.

Julian: Kels, I mean it! Why not? we both love each other

Kelsey: I know we do bubs, but don't you think its too soon?

Julian: I think its the perfect time! I fell in love with you in college!! All the those nights staying up in the library studying with you, you would buy me coffee every time, and I would bring us snacks. That's when I knew I would marry you someday. 

Kelsey: you know I could never day no to you!!

Julian: Ok but I need to ask you in a special way!! 

Kelsey: Jules, you know I would say yes to you anywhere anytime! you don't need to!

Julian: I know but I want to though!

Kelsey: Okay then I'm going to hold you accountable for that! Now lets go wake up Chase and get breakfast

We got ready and walked over to Chase's room to wake him up. 

Kelsey: Chase, baby, time to wake up 

Chase: mommy too early 

Kelsey: cmon baby luv we're going out for breakfast with Uncle Danny 

Julian picked Chase up and headed to the bathroom to brush his teeth. 

Julian: Bubs you know mom and dad are going to get married someday

Chase instantly woke up and hugged Julian and I around our necks basically cutting off the air circulation 

Chase: yay!! love you mommy..love you dada (Chase calls Julian dada and its the cutest thing ever.) Now I want a baby brother

Kelsey: haha Chase you don't want a baby sister?!?

Chase: I want both!

Julian: Both?!? wow mama and I need to get to work then! 

Chase was finishing up getting ready as we walked out of his room. Julian squeezed my hips and then my butt as we walked out.

Kelsey: Hey what the merchandise mister!! 

Julian: Ooohh that's my merchandise!! Come on Chase wants a baby brother! 

Julian picked me up as he ran us to our bedroom

Kelsey: Baby you're crazy! Chase is here and Danny is probably waiting for us already! 

Julian placed me onto the bed and began kissing me and then my neck

Second Chances // Julian EdelmanWhere stories live. Discover now