The three girls each took a shot glass and looked at each other. Some people were watching them, but not really paying attention.

"On three," Jae smiled at the girls.

"One." Byeol was reconsidering.

"Two." She really shouldn't.

"THREE." Ah fuck it.

The three girls all leaned back and the liquid burned down Byeol's throat as she tried not to cough while it went down. As soon as the glass was empty and the liquid was down her throat, Byeol was coughing. Minki and Jae went to check on her, but the girl started laughing.

"Again!" She slammed her shot glass on the table, waiting for it to be filled. Minki and Jae looked at each other, one smiling and one looking worried.

"Um, Byeol. Are you sure?" Jae looked into Byeol's eyes and almost laughed. "Oh my gosh, Minki! She's such a lightweight! I didn't think the mixed drink was that strong. I bet two more shots and she won't be able to walk."

"Well good thing we are staying the night!" Minki chuckled and filled her best friend's shot glass after filling her own. "Here's to freedom!"

"To fee-drom," Byeol slurred her words before downing the shot, causing Minki and Jae to laugh before they took theirs.

After about 4 more shots, Byeol couldn't see straight. "I have to pee," she stood up from her chair, and stumbled her way through the room as Minki and Jae chased after her.

"Oops, I'm sorry," Byeol giggled as she bumped into somebody's back. The person turned around to reveal Yeonjun who smirked at the drunk girl.

"It's okay, sweetheart. But you owe me a dance for this," he pointed to his shirt which was no longer white from the drink he had spilled because of Byeol.

"Eew, I may be drunk, mister, but I don't dance with frogs. Now excuse me before I pee myself." Byeol backed away from the boy and bumped into another person. When she turned around, she drunkenly smiled at Jae and Minki.

"My friends! I missed you guys so much!" Byeol felt tears in her eyes and her cheeks became wet as she was so happy to see her friends that she cried. "Wait, I have to pee, still."

Byeol stopped crying and her two friends giggled as they led her to the bathroom. Once she shut the door and pulled up her dress, she relieved herself. After she was done, she washed her hands and headed back out.

"More shots?" Byeol linked arms with her two friends and they looked at her like she was crazy.

"Byeol? Babe? I love you, and I'm glad you're having fun, but I think you're done for the night." Minki smiled at her friend, but Byeol just began to cry again.

"But I want more shots!" She fell to the ground sobbing and then laid on her back as she continued to sob.

People looked at her, some laughing and pointing others carrying on with their own business. The guys all came out of the back room to see what the commotion was.

As soon as Jisung saw Byeol in the state she was in, he began laughing. It took one slap on his head from Minki to shut him up.

"Right, um. We should take her upstairs and get her ready for bed." Jisung scratched his head.

"I'll take her," Jeongin stepped forward and picked up the girl with ease. With one arm under her legs and the other around her shoulders, he carried her up the stairs and into one of the guest rooms.

Once Byeol realized she wasn't on the ground, she stopped crying and looked up at Jeongin. "You're cute." She giggled then slapped her hand over her mouth. "Shit. Forget I said that please."

Jeongin just chuckled and his face was slightly pink. "Alright, now go to sleep, Byeol."

Jeongin's smile was the last thing she saw before closing her eyes and drifting I to a heavy sleep.

As Jeongin placed Byeol on the bed, she started to whine and pout with her eyes still closed. He chuckled at her cuteness and went to leave, but her words stopped him.

"Please don't go."

He turned back to see Byeol's eyes still closed. She must have been sleep talking. He turned back to the door to leave when the softest 'please' escaped Byeol's mouth as tears were sliding down her face. Jeongin didn't know what to do. So he grabbed a chair and pulled it next to the bed she was on as he sat down.

Jeongin grabbed one of her hands and rubbed circles on the back of it with his thumb. Within minutes, he heard soft snores escaping Byeol's mouth and smiled. He tried to get up, but she tightened her grip causing him to stop.

As much as Jeongin loved the feel of Byeol's hand in his, he wanted to sleep. So he pulled out his phone and texted Minki

J: "Hey, Byeol's asleep but she won't let go of my hand"

M: "Shit, ok I'm omw"

A few minutes later, the door opened and Minki quietly walked in.

"Hey, I've got it from here." Minki climbed on the bed behind Byeol and pulled her into a hug, causing Byeol to let go of Jeongin's hand. Minki whispered a 'bye' to Jeongin who left a quietly sobbing Byeol and Minki who was comforting her to finally sleep.

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