67 ~ Day 2.5

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Hi guys, sorry for the slow update 🙏. I dunno, this chapter you guys will like it or not 😔. I will wait and see through your comments section 😓.

~ Sin 💜


<<<Tae and guk in the same place where I left them before, you know forest.exercise.chu.push-ups>>>


"Lolita, we should go back to our tent" guk said to the person who is interestingly playing with his earring.

"I don't want" tae replied with full interest on his ears, putting his baby pinky finger in others ear hole and pulled out fastly then blowing some airs.

"Hey lolita, what are you doing? It's ticklish" he giggles and tried to stop him but tae grabs his hands and placed it on guk's stomach area then he puts his left leg above his hands as he locked him.

"Oooffff" blowing on his ear again, guk can't stop giggles of tae's actions, he raised his left shoulder and tilts his head to stop him, the next second he got strong puppy bites on his open shoulder from his lolita.


"Keep quiet" tae ordered him and staring his side profile very closely while tracing on guk's small scar on his left cheek.

Guk also wants to look at his gorgeous lolita's face so he turns his head towards him, tae stops turning him by his small index finger poke on guk's cheek and pushed to look at the sky, guk turns again tae grabs his chin and make him to turn forcefully. Both don't know why they are doing this, but just loving each other closeness. Guk turns again, tae gets angry this time because guk did not listening to him. He traces his left hand to guk's neck then his right ear, he grabs that to make him come close and he leans to others left ear and ready to yelling "IDIOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT" guk closes his eyes very very tightly, grits his teeth and clench his fist to take that 'kieeeeeee' sound which is keep ringing on his ear he can't do nothing else on his naughty lover who is laughing cutely at him. Guk did not say anything and sits up while rubbing on his pity ears.

But tae have not stopped that easily, he pulled up his own body little up and placed his both barefoot on guk's naked back. Guk staying silent while taking his breath in and out calmly. Tae pushed him by foot with cute giggles. Then slides his body down to put his legs on guk's shoulder. Guk bites lips to control the feeling, but the shining temptation skin calling him to touch them. Tae dancing his foot fingers and roaming his hands around the others naked back. Tae does not know what makes him to go this level, he is also slightly got tempted by guk's half-naked body. He just wanted to touch him, with more close to his warmth. Tae pulled him back by his leg still lying on the exercise mat, but it was failed in front of the muscles body. Guk gripping his leg "You are playing the very dangerous game lolita, let's go back" said to him and chu on it before pushed the legs and getting up. Tae instantly wraps his legs around others waist then sits up hugging his neck from behind preventing him to get up "Can't we stay here for a few more minutes, gukkie? Please" he whined and biting others shoulder slightly. A blink of seconds tae was pulled front side by him, now tae sitting on guk's lap legs and hands wrapping around others. Guk softly caressing tae cheeks with a smirk on his face "We're here for your camping not for OUR.PICNIC, lolita" mocking what tae said to him with a teasing tone, tae return a glare and gets up fastly, guk as well as gets up following him with a little smile.

"I am going" tae said angrily while putting on his shoes and walks towards the wrong direction.

"If you know how to go back, then go" gesture his hands as he can go.

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