46 ~ Warning

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Tae tried to get up but failed of the pain on his kneel.

"I am really sorry tae, did I scared you? I didn't notice you and I was in my call, sorry" bo gum said and helped to tae gets up.

Tae smiled at him "It's okay hyung, when did you come from America?" asked while holding bo gum arms for the support.

"Today morning, come I will take you to the hospital"

"Hyung, it's just scratch, I can bear it" tae smiled and tried to hide his little pain.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, hyung" tae goes to the nearby bench with the help of bo gum.

"By the way, why are you here hyung? To meet jiminie hyung?"

"Yes, and.." before bo gum says anything someone interrupts him "Excuse me, our boss wants to talk to you" the third person comes forward to bo gum and shows the phone he held.

Bo gum in a little bit surprised, he did not except this much fast reply from him, he takes the phone from him "Excuse me, tae" bo gum gets up "Huh? Okay hyung, no problem" he replied in confusion look and bo gum went few meters away from tae. Tae turns to look at that straighten body, who has folded his hands and did not move one inch from tae. In another hand, tae feels something odd, nervously taps his leg in unknown fear and hands get starting shiver.

"Hello Mr. Jeon Jeongguk"

"Hello Mr. Coward"

Bo gum clenched his fist and control his anger.

"Don't forget that your dearest love is now in my hands"

Guk laughs loudly "Half of true, my lolita is my dearest love, but he is not in your hands. Do you think that I will give you the chance again after everything I knew? Your life countdown already started"

"You don't know fully about me and.." guk cuts him "But you already find out why I am here, that's why you come out and using these silly things to me. You are not in a level to be my enemy.." "I can hurt taehyung again" bo gum tried to not show his nervous while speaking, but jeonguk's laughs makes it worse "Really?" guk's laughs stopped and changed his voice in very cold and strong "If you have guts try to lay a finger on my lolita, you $^%%$*&#*@#^@*&" bo gum gulped in fear of jeonguk's instant voice change. Bo gum glancing the are he can see the bodyguards here and there, felt like it's a trap for him.

"Finally we met Mr. Park Bo Gum"

**Meanwhile Tae**

"Eomma, please come fast taetae is afraid" he prayed and fist his hands still tapping his legs on a fear of new feel, tears are ready to fall in any minutes.

"Hey tiny"

Tae faces lighten up when he hears a familiar voice, he gets up and tried to run to him "Yoongi hyung" the second step he was about fall, if yoongi did not hold him on the correct time "Hyunggg" tae hugged yoongi "I am so afraid, please take me to my eomma" yoongi does not hug him back it's a new thing to him, he did not hug anyone apart from jimin and he is only comfortable around with jimin. So this skinship gives him a little surprise "Yah, tiny I am not your pillow or your loved one get off me" he tried to say in cold voice and remove his hug but failed, tae tighten his grips "Please hyung, don't leave me, I.. I feel like everything repeats again, I don't know but.." tae straining to say while sobbing hardly, yoongi knows which is scaring him, he takes his hands slowly towards tae back with a hesitate and taps on it to make him calm "I'm here for you tae, I won't leave you. Nothing gonna happen to you, okay?" tae nods slowly, yoongi can feel his nervousness goes away little by little.

"Do you want ice cream, tiny?"

Tae removed the hugs while nodding and wiping his tears "You called me tae before, right grandpa?" yoongi rolled his "You called me hyung for 3 times" "Yeah I agree, so you should als.." yoongi cuts him "I am not in the mood, so you can go and buy yourself" tae shook his head very fastly, tae was about to say something but he stopped by his eomma's car coming towards him "I don't need your help grandpa, eomma can buy me a lots of ice cream" he tried to act cold but the reality he is so cute, he walk away with a little limp.

"Hey babe, why are you limping?" jin come out from his car and walks fastly towards his son's "What did you do to my son?" he asked to yoongi with a powerful glaring. Yoongi rolled his eye in jin's as usual dramatic.

"Eomma, grandpa did not do anything, I just fall down while playing" jin sighs in relief "Shall we go babe?" tae nods "Eomma, I want ice cream" "Okay" while jin going to open the car door he noticed "Is not that Park Bo Gum?" "Ah, yeah eomma, that is bogummie hyung, he is here to meet jiminie hyung" "Oh, it's been years I need to talk to him" yoongi stopped jin "Actually, I and Park Bo Gum, have a small business. So if you don't mind can you meet him some aftertime? And he is having pain on his legs so you need to take care of him first" yoongi said pointing tae, more like yoongi gesture to jin 'NO', even jin does not understand the meaning behind of yoongi's behaviour he just nodded "Okay, then we will take our leave now" "Okay, Mrs. Kim" yoongi bowed at him "Even though, I don't like you, somewhat you helped me today. So when you are coming to my home I will give you my favourite chocolate one to you as my gift, only one, not no more" tae strictly dealing with him, yoongi shrugs "I don't want.." tae cuts him "That's what I want, okay bye grandpa" tae said fastly and hop in his eomma's car, before yoongi change his mind and saves his choco. Yoongi frowned "This tiny.." tsk tsk yoongi makes a sound while shook his head "I should rest in my room peacefully" he take his step towards bo gum.

"Finally we met Mr. Park Bo Gum"

The second word comes from yoongi's hand "This is for what you did to my jimin, you bastard" bo gum holds his instant bruised cheeks which is strongly given by Min Yoongi.

"I want to kill you now, but jeongguk wants you alive. By the way, nice to meet you and we heartly welcomes you to our Dark World" yoongi shows his hands for the shake with a cold smile on his face.

Bo gum glaring him without saying anything to him, with the inside of fear "You know Park Bo Gum, when I ask you calmly you should shake my hand otherwise it will comes to your neck and without hesitation, I will smash it. I just told you that jeongguk wants you alive that's not a mean I can't hurt you" yoongi said with threatens tone.

Bo gum shaking his hands with yoongi "You both are don't know what you are doing, I'm warning you, you will regret in future".

Yoongi smiled with a smirk and shows something.

"We will see that" he gesture the bodyguards to take him, they bowed at him and take bo gum to the Dark World

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"We will see that" he gesture the bodyguards to take him, they bowed at him and take bo gum to the Dark World.

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