65 ~ Day 1.5

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Everyone in shock mode except tae, the first person comes out from the shock is yoongi.

Yoongi nudge guk shoulder to come earth "Tiny is so fast" chuckles and turned to tae "Tiny he will give you a baby now, bring him to the tent" signaled him to the eyes, go to the tent.

Tae happily jumps to guk and tugs his hand "Come gukkie, let's go" before guk gets to know what's happening he was inside of the tent.

Jimin was about to go there but it was stopped by yoongi "Yah, tiny close the cover. So that he can give you what you want" he shouts from outside, tae turns to close the cover "Thanks grandpaaa" he yelled back and closed the tent cover.

Before tae say anything guk put his hands up gesture to him stop coming closer, he stands there with confused face "Lolita, see this is not what you think. We can't make a baby just in one day" tae shook his head and take his steps to go closer "No you are lying, grandpa told me already" tae pulled up his own shirt and showing his smoothy jelly belly stomach "So now give me a baby" said pointing at his cute tummy.

 We can't make a baby just in one day" tae shook his head and take his steps to go closer "No you are lying, grandpa told me already" tae pulled up his own shirt and showing his smoothy jelly belly stomach "So now give me a baby" said pointing at ...

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"WHAT?" guk tried his best to not looking at the tempting tummy, he gulped.

Tae starts thinking while tapping his chin "Ahhh? What I chose?" chin tapping "Barbie Girl or Cow Boy?" thinking deeply.

"I want both so why not twins?! Gukkie give me twins" Guk cups his face "Lolita listen we are not allowed to do before our marriage okay? So leave this topic. Now tell me you want ice cream?" tried to change the topic.

"Why? Jimin and grandpa have not married yet but they already have, why not me. I also want now"

"Jimin is not innocent as like you, lolita"

"I am also not innocent, I knew everything"

"What you know?"

"You can only give me a baby, jiminie hyung already told"

"That's true lolita, I am the only one, but not NOW, after marriage.. ahhhhhhhhhh" guk take out his fingers immediately from tae's mouth with the small sudden pain.

"I knew why are you denying to give my baby, you want that marriage that's why right?"

"What? No loli.." guk tries to cup his face again but tae slapped it in angry "I don't want any excuses from you gukkie, say yes or no?" asked with puppy angry "Please lolita first lis.." guk does not even know how to handle this situation "yes or no?" Tae pushed him back slightly, guk getting fear on his lolita the thought of if he said no what he will gonna do it's more than better say yes, he gulped one last time, closed then open his eyes before say "Yes" now it's tae turn to cups guk face and chu on his lips "I know my gukkie is a good boy, now give our baby" guk stops tae hands from lifting the shirt "No, not today" tae taking heavy breaths while glaring and trying to burn him with his puppy staring "You won't give my baby right? Then I won't marry you to, I am going to marry m.." guk let not him to finish the sentence, he smashed his lips with him.

First Agreement Then Marriage ~ 🐰💜🐯Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora