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I felt so out of place.

You don't really understand how awkward you can feel when all of a sudden you're thrown into a room with people pointing guns at you but welcoming your partner. They kept looking at me and I was hearing my name whispered through the room. I couldn't really tell why, these people knew how to keep to themselves.

We were all circled around the floor of the library. They had a fire going on the floor, I couldn't really tell what kept it from burning through the floor but I thought it was some kind of concrete slab. I sat I between Daryl and his brother, huddled close to the fire. It got chilly at nights.

I had met Daryl a few days ago, he came to loot in the house I was holed up in. I had tried to disguise myself as one of the dead, covering myself in their blood and being dirty wasn't an issue. I laid next to one on the floor as he walked through. Before I knew it he was standing over us. Holding an axe high above his head. He swung down and decapitated my 'friend' and as he went for me I screamed. Now I could laugh at the fear that crossed his face for that moment but at the time I was terrified. When I scrambled up he dropped the ace and whipped his bow to his front.

"What the fuck?" He snarled.

"Let's just calm down a little," I said quickly, holding my hands out.

He spat on the floor and said, "You are fucking lucky, girl. So fucking lucky you're still alive."

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding, "Just let me go, I don't want any trouble."

He looked at me and I shivered with the bow still in my face, "What are you doing here?"

"Surviving," I said after a long pause. My eyes went hard, daring him to make his next move.

His arms slowly lowered and he introduced himself. We had a rocky beginning but I found out he was alright. Daryl told me he was looking for his group. He never said why he was decapitating already dead walkers that day but I rolled with it. Can you blame me?

The group was talking, Rick was sitting next to Daryl and they were recounting their lost time to each other. The girls were grouped and so were the rest of the guys. I stuck by Daryl because I didn't trust anyone. There were two younger girls, Carmel skinned, who were glaring at everyone else and mumbling to each other. I had seen a darker girl tied outside, they must be family. My knees were up to my chest, my dirty skinnies were in plain view but I didn't really care. I still had some walker remains on me, smashed into my clothes and smeared on my cheek. I sighed and put my head down on my knees. Then I was bumped. I looked to the side and glared at Meryl. He's been touching me all night, bumping me accidentally and sitting really close. I don't know what his deal is, maybe he's just looking for a fight. I was about to go off in any case. I scooted a little closer to Daryl and he didn't notice but I know Meryl did, a small smirk crossed his face.

Bastard. How are two brothers so different?

Carol had welcomed me with open arms, I almost wished I was sitting by her, but she had Lori on one side and two girls beside her. I think their names were Lizzie and... I don't remember the other. I'm sure I'll hear it around.

I looked around the fire and caught a pair of eyes. They were young, but definitely haunted. Carl. Remembered him, he seems like a brat. Someone who does what he wants and doesn't think of other people's feeling. He seems pretty innocent though, he would have been fairly young when this all started. He's not much younger than me, 2 or 3 years. But Alex wasn't that much younger than me and look what happened to him, ripped open and-

A piercing pain hit me in the gut and I looked away from Carl with steely eyes. He wouldn't last very long, he'd be dead just like the rest of them.

I stood and everyone's eyes went to me, I felt a blush heat my cheeks and stammered, "I'm just going to h-head outside for a minute." At their nods. Left the building, sucking in the fresh night air. The dark girl looked up at me from her place in the yard and I looked back but turned on my heel and left. I didn't really care why she was out here. I didn't want to have to deal with it. I took a few steps out into the yard. Turning around I looked back at the building. Suddenly I saw some movement and found Meryl looking back out at me. My face made a snarl and I turned around to walk away from his view. Fucking creep.

It really wasn't that bad out here, the air was cool but it felt nice. Perfect. I sat under a tree in the yard and looked up through the branches at the stars, at least they were still there, even though no one else was. I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes. I was finally safe, safer than I had been. I wasn't alone. At that thought I drifted into a shallow sleep, control of my body leaving.


I was woken up not long after by a pair of arms lifting me. My eyes fluttered and I saw Rick's face above me, a tired Carl next to him.

"We're just bringing you inside, Linsey," Rick said.

"It's okay, you can go back to sleep," Carl echoed.

The darkness took me again as I passed out and was brought back into the warm building air.

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