
16 1 0

Our group had swelled in size. We've added five people in the last 12 hours, might be a new record. I welcomed the numbers, especially Daryl's return. He was always a jackass but good with a weapon and would watch your back. The girl he brought with him, Linsey, seemed like an asset. It wasn't like Daryl to bring a tag along that he just met so I trusted her immediately. If a guy's guarded with his life, trust those he trusts to bring in. The other girls left me with a tense feeling in my gut. When you've spent so long as a police officer you get a feel for a person's attitude and these three seemed like a wildcard. A small part of me wished we had never found them. Elaine was still tied up outside, Linsey had just went out there. Probably for the best, her injuries could have been caused by walkers. I didn't think she'd tell me that either. 

I looked around the circle. My family. My dirty, tired, travel-worn family. I closed my eyes tight for a moment as a pang of guilt hit me. We hadn't found anywhere safe to stay for a long time that held up enough for any of us to feel a moment of peace. A moment of happiness. My eyes opened and immediately landed on my son. Carl was getting older, and he'd spent most of his life dealing with death and fear, who knows if he would ever have a time when he wouldn't have to worry about the risk of dying. I mused over the idea of parenting in an apocalypse until his eyes found mine. Sending him a small smile I shifted my gaze to Daryl.

"I think we've got some catching up to do," I said to him.

Daryl nodded and we both stood, moving to a far end of the room. I clasped him on the shoulder, "How have you been?"

"Same as always. I can take care of what I need to," he replied, his gaze still trained on the rest of our party.

"Did you make it to Atlanta?"

"No, we-"

He paused and I saw the words die on his lips as as his eyes flitted to the side and he shifted uncomfortably.

"We got split up," he started, "outside the city. Not a group of walkers, a group of people. And not the nice kind.Goddamn motherfuckers," he spit on the ground with a scowl across his face, "ambushed us while we were camped in a gas station. They killed a couple of our group for sure. Everyone kind of scattered and got out as they could. It was like a firefight from one of those movies. I figured there wouldn't be many left if there were any so I started the direction you were headed."

"You know who's dead?" I asked, rubbing my chin. Didn't really want to know if I was being honest.

Daryl swallowed, "Hershel. Beth. Tyreese. And two that we picked up after we left you. Those are the ones I saw fall... but like I said. I didn't stick around to count the bodies, there were to many of those assholes."

I nodded. They would be a loss, "Don't tell the group. If they ask, tell them you got split up and you're not sure where the others are."

Daryl grunted in agreement and shifted on his feet.

"What about Linsey? Where'd you pick her up?"

Daryl smiled a little, "Found her on my way here. Hiding in a house, playing dead on the floor with some walkers, covered in their blood. I was chopping their heads off with a shovel, you know, keeping myself busy. Crazy bitch all of a sudden started screaming up at me and I almost shit myself. Asked her a few questions and I liked her answers so I drug her along. Not much older than Carl, she's been alone for a while, with me a few days-"

"Few days?" I echoed.


"Not infected then," I gave a short relieved laugh, "Just dirty."

"Sorry, you chose the road with no five star hotels to pop into," he said sarcastically.

"What's her story?" 

He shrugged, "Dunno. Didn't ask, she didn't seem like she much wants to talk about it yet. Talks in her sleep about someone named Alex though, whoever the fuck that is. I trust her though, decent in a fight too."

I nodded, having her around didn't sound like a bad idea.

"What about those other girls you got?" Daryl asked.

I sighed and ran a hand through my grimy hair, "They were here when we got here. The one outside attacked Carl. She's hurt, but not sure if it's from a walker or not. I've got a bad feeling about all of them, but they're just kids. I can't just turn them out onto the road."

Daryl snorted, "I could."

I shook my head. He might say that but I know Daryl had a soft spot under all that titanium. I glanced out the window, it was getting dark.

"Lori doesn't trust to have her in here with us after she went after Carl," I started, "But I can't just leave her outside."

Daryl was quiet for a moment, "Given the circumstance I think you definitely can leave her out there. You don't know if she's infected, and it's late. There's no time to question her now."

My shoulders sagged a little with this confirmation. It was late, we all just got here today. It might be our only chance for an alright night's sleep before having to move on. I nodded at Daryl and we made our way back to the group. 

"Alright gang, I'm taking first watch. You all should get some sleep, it's been a long couple of days and we've got to talk about some things tomorrow," I looked around the circle and turned to Daryl, "Linsey still outside?" He shrugged and I heard Carl say she was. I left to invite her back in and heard Carl fall in step behind me. I ruffled his hair as we walked out the door and he scowled.

We found Linsey under a tree in the front yard, fallen into a troubled sleep.

"We're just bringing you inside, Linsey," I said, picking her up.

"It's okay, you can go back to sleep," Carl reassured.

I felt her original stiffness in my arms disappear as sleep took it's hold on her again. The three of us went back inside and I watched everyone get settled. As I stepped back out the door to start the watch, a small feeling of unease hit me as I felt Elaine's eyes follow me to my post.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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