Present Day 3

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Some of y'all are crazy🤦🏾‍♀️ I bet if Jude wasn't the leading man y'all would be telling her to leave him. You can't help who you fall in love with sometimes hence Hunter. Don't support toxic relationships👏🏾

Jasmine sat outside the little restaurant Jude asked her to meet him at. Hunter was getting ready to leave but felt sad watching her twiddle her fingers. "Hey don't be nervous okay?" He rubbed her shoulders.

Jasmine turned to him and gave a nervous smile. "Yeah." She whispered. "Just be honest and listen to him too okay? Don't let your anger overpower his words. We both know our Jude wasn't there six years ago."

Jasmine nodded. "I love you. Thank you for being here." Hunter smiled. "I'll always be here no matter what role."

"Don't say that Hunter. You know what role you have in my life. I love you." Jasmine squeezed his hands.

He tilted her chin for a soft kiss before walking back to the car and waiting for her around the corner.

Jasmine exhaled and ordered herself a water. "I honestly didn't think you would show up." Jude's voice came a few minutes later.

"I always have been an early bird." Jasmine shrugged. "I remember..." The two trailed off not sure where to go next with the conversation.

"Jasmine I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." He whispered as his eyes started to water. Jasmine sat for a second before exhaling. "I know. I forgive you, I can't hold you in bondage for things you did in the past under the influence."

"Yes you can I deserve it." He exclaimed. "Jude you deserve to be happy." She sighed.

"Are you happy?" He asked knowing how fragile his feelings were going to be once she answered. "Yes. I actually am happy."

Jude slouched back in his seat finding it hard to swallow all of a sudden. "I'm glad." He choked.

Jasmine nodded before getting up holding her hand out for Jude. He took it not knowing when he would ever get to take it again and they began to stroll along the creek nearby. "I used to think you and I were really the end game." She smiled distantly at their love which was deemed as a faint memory now.

"Me too. I thought what we had was strong enough. I thought we would get through anything. But I fell in too deep." He hung his head.

"You can't keep just blaming yourself forever Jude. Your bandmates wanted to see you fail. Don't carry the world on your shoulders, it gets heavy."

Jude nodded. Easier said than done.

"How's the job I knew you would go far." He smiled.

Jasmines demeanor brightened. "I love it. It was definitely the right choice for me. I can't imagine not doing it."

"What does Hunter do?" He tried to ask civilly. Jasmine noticed the awkwardness. "He played for the Clippers for 4 years but tore his ACL so right now he just works for them." She answered quickly.

"Oh wow." Jude felt inadequate in both of their presences. They were both doing big things and he was still tempted to drink and use every now and then.

"So what do you do for work?" Jasmine asked trying to break the silence that bounded them for a few minutes.

"I work actually at a daycare right now. I know it's not much-" He blushed. Jasmine smiled widely interrupting his put down. "Jude that's amazing! Don't put yourself down I bet the kids love you."

Jude swallowed and nodded before his mood went dark and he started scratching his wrist again. "What's wrong?" She asked quietly.

"I do it because of...our baby." His voice cracked. "It was all my fault."

Jasmine's mood also fell. Getting over the loss of her child took a lot of strength, prayer and her family and Hunter's support. With out any of those things she would've ended her life.

"Do your parents know?" Jude asked quietly. Jasmine nodded. "I'm guessing they hate me huh?" He tried to joke but she could hear the hurt in his voice.

"My mother understands you were going through a lot and you aren't the same person under the influence of drugs." She patted his shoulder.

"And your father?" Jude and her father got along well. Very well. He was the father Jude always wanted, now Hunter would get to flourish in that relationship.

"He's a Dad Jude. He took it the hardest." She sighed.

Jude nodded again before continuing their walk.

"I have a question... please don't take it the wrong way. I just want to know." Jude stopped them again.

"Yes what would you like to know." She whispered.

"You and Hunter..." Jasmine inhaled closing her eyes. She nodded for him to finish his sentence.

"When did this happen, and how?"

"I mean I know I don't have a right to know or ask but I just... I just want to know." He exhaled.

"Take a seat."

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