7th Grade

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"Okay Jude just calm down." Jude sighed to himself. It was March 4th, 2004, the spring concert for the school and Jude thought he would pass out.

The seventh graders were in charge of the performance this year. Hunter convinced Jude to get into something he loved and Jude happened to love music. Cameron and Emily thought band was weird and for the losers so they definitely didn't support this.

As long as Hunter was there for him, Jude was fine. He gotten better at speaking clear English and was a little more social now. His accent was still extremely thick which made it hard for some people to understand him. Jude couldn't help but be embarrassed about it sometimes, but he was getting better.

His first trimester of 7th grade he had to take a music credit and realized he really liked the guitar. He would sneak after class and play by himself often but today someone caught him.

Jude was teaching him self how to play Stairway to Heaven. Turns out he really had a knack for Led Zepplin. They were one of the first bands he was introduced to here.

He played with passion when ever he got his hands on a guitar. Some kids called him a band nerd but he felt passionate about the guitar and surprisingly wasn't embarrassed by their teasing.

"You're really good." Her voice echoed. Jude jumped up almost dropping the guitar. "Jasmine you can't sneak up on people like that!" He scowled. Jasmine giggled, his cheeks were so red from his shyness, he was really cute.

She didn't care that he was scrawny and awkward. She just liked him. She couldn't help it. She liked him a lot. She tried everything to get him to talk to her more often but he was terrified.

He could barely look her in the eye no matter how hard she tried to get him to interact with her.

The most popular boy in the school Damon had a big crush on Jasmine and found her fascination with Jude outrageous. Jude never knew the reason Damon bullied him was because Jasmine had a crush on him. Jasmine didn't even know Jude got bullied.

"Can you play it again for me?" She asked sitting next to him. "No." Jude muttered gathering his stuff to leave. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to b-"

"Can you please just leave me alone?" Jude huffed. Her attention only got him in trouble. Jude didn't know how to socialize with females at all. Jasmine made him nervous to the point of frustration.

The two just stayed in silence for a second before Jude just started packing again.

"Did I do something? Did I say something that made you not like me?" Jasmine's voice came out soft and shaky. Jude snapped his head to her direction in shock. He didn't want to make her sad he just avoided her because he had a big crush on her. It was embarrassing how much he liked her. When he was home doing homework he would doodle Jasmine O'Conner in his notebook. If she ever got her hands on that his social life would be nonexistent.

"Jasmine I'm sorry." Jude sighed. Jasmine quickly wiped a tear and nodded as she got up and walked to the door. "Wait Jazz I'll play!" He called out making her stop.

"Don't.. I don't want to bother  you." She gave a sad smile and walked out of the music room.

"You f*cking idiot Jude!" He yelled at himself. "So stupid!" He pulled at his hair in annoyance before huffing and gathering his belongings.

He had 1 hour until the concert and he needed to prepare. He practiced his piece over and over but couldn't get it right like before. The guilt he had for being mean to Jasmine lingered.

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