6th Grade

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If the chapter is a GRADE/STAGE IN SCHOOL, it is the past. If a chapter says PRESENT DAY it is the present 😂 please please read the chapter title so you know what's going on. I know I'm a little chaotic but I try lol.

It was 2002 when 11 year old Jude O'Conner and 17 year old Aiden O'Conner moved to Lowell, Massachusetts with their parents. It was nothing like Scotland. It looked like a sewer. No one smiled, there were hardly any trees or animals besides squirrels. And his accent wasn't appreciated in fact it annoyed people that they couldn't understand what he said.

Jude's clarity of speaking was the worst out of the four family members, so he was a pretty reserved person. His first day at school was a nightmare. He felt like the only person with white skin.

The kids were loud and and pushy. He could barely understand what any of them said because of their slang and the speed of which they spoke. "F*ck outta my way man." A tall black kid said shoulder checking him.

Jude was just short and skinny sixth grader lost in this big school. He wished Aiden was in the same school so that he would have at least one friend. This was overwhelming. He had never been around this many different looking people. He didn't fit in.

"Hi my name is Natalia Rodriguez! You seem new so you should come to the volleyball after school to meet people!" She chirped way too excitedly handing him a flyer. It gave Jude a headache trying to comprehend her words.

He only caught "volleyball" and "after school". "Oh dear I'm so sorry Mr. O'Conner I couldn't find you!" A middle aged women with tan skin and long braids approached him. Jude's eyes widened before following the woman eagerly.

Every step he took he became more and more afraid. "Are you okay honey?" She asked as they reached the door. Jude nodded solemnly.

They walked into a class room full of students before the lady cleared her throat. "Hello Mr. Remus's class, I would like you to give a warm welcome to our new student all the way from Scotland. This is Jude O'Conner."

"Heyyy Judeee." One girl sang making everyone giggle. Even the lady giggled. Jude didn't get the joke. Was being mad fun of? "Very clever Jasmine would you mind if Mr. O'Conner sat beside you?" The woman asked the young girl. Once she stopped giggling she gave a sweet smile. "He can sit next to me."

"Thank you Jasmine that was very kind of you." The women gently ushered Jude to the seat next to Jasmine.

Surprisingly all the girl did was smile at him and then focus on what the teacher was saying rather than make jokes and try and talk to him. Jude wasn't a talker so he appreciated it.

Jude snuck a few glances at Jasmine throughout class. She was... kind of pretty and she looked a lot different than him. From her hair to her skin. But she seemed nice enough. Maybe she would want to be friends? Or maybe not, she might think he was a loser.

He could barely hear past that accent everyone had.

When Mr. Remus dismissed for lunch. Jasmine stood up gathering her things. Before she left she turned to look at Jude. "Hey do you want to sit with me at lunch?" She asked sweetly.

Jude nervously shook his head no. She would try and talk to him and then laugh at his accent.

Although he could tell she was a little upset by his passiveness she just gave him a polite smile before nodding and walking out of the room.

Why did you say no? He asked himself once he stepped into the full cafeteria. He didn't know anyone and he was embarrassed. He spotted some people with the same skin color as him and carefully approached them.

One boy with green eyes looked up acknowledging him. "You need somewhere to sit?" Jude nodded. The boy slid over giving Jude room to sit down with his lunch.

"I'm Cameron." He said with a wave. Jude waved back before focusing in on his food. He heard laughter as a crowd of people passed.

He spotted Jasmine laughing and talking with a herd of people around her. She glanced over connecting eyes with Jude before sending him a wave.

Jude awkwardly waved back before Cameron punched him in the arm. "Aye!" Jude scowled. "Man did you see that!" Cameron exclaimed. Jude stared blankly at him. "Jasmine Bryant just waved at you! She's the coolest girl in the sixth grade, way to go newbie!"

Jude blushed crimson. "Oh wow we are definitely going to the volleyball game after school." Cameron exclaimed.

The girl next to him with blond hair and light brown eyes pouted. "I thought you were coming to my soccer game?"

Cameron shrugged. "Hey Jude would you rather go watch Emily play soccer or see Jasmine play volleyball."

Jude shrugged, he was simply curious about Jasmine but felt he had better luck being around Emily and Cameron. "Well I want to see volleyball. So volleyball it is. Sorry Em." Cameron shrugged.

Emily huffed before going back to eating her carrots.


Jude survived through the whole school day without embarrassing himself. He made another friend who had dark skin like Jasmine. His name was Hunter and he played basketball.

Hunter was really nice to him but not overtly extroverted. He was really patient. Jude appreciated.

It was so weird being around people with colored skin. It made them look... unique. Jude was a little jealous he wished he looked like that. He would fit in and maybe he would feel more comfortable in his own skin like they all did. And it was always shiny!

But alas he was still the same pale kid who stuck out like a sore thumb.

Jude sighed before sitting by the gymnasium waiting for Aiden to pick him up. He decided to peep in at the volleyball game. Not to watch Jasmine of course, but because he was merely curious. Yeah just curious.

He looked in the doors as saw Jasmine leap in the air and send the ball straight down on the other side of the net. She was way too good to be a sixth grader.

Before she went to the back line to serve she glanced at the door entrance. They locked eyes and a sweet smiled graced her face. Jude turned around to make sure he wasn't thinking she was smiling at him, but there was no one else around. When it was confirmed to just be him he faced forward again but she was actively in the game now.

She looked so intense and in her element. It made Jude feel... pride? Something about how impressed everyone was with her made him feel accomplished. Girls were weird but he decided he didn't mind Jasmine.

From then to the rest of sixth grade Jude O'Conner's favorite pass-time was to peek at Jasmine Bryant.

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