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So there's quite a few trigger warnings I need to explain.
1. Eating Disorder: Unintentional or intentional eating disorders are harmful for everybody's health
2. Glorification of unhealthy eating habits: The main character willfully ignores her health because her body is becoming the "ideal" body image
3. Unhealthy habits in general: Going to this extreme to intentionally or unintentionally lose weight to this degree will cause serious health issues up to and beyond what is listed. Stunted growth, delayed puberty is only the surface.
4. Unrealistic ideals of body size: I researched this for a good several minutes about "normal" body mass indexes to height and weights and honestly all those numbers are mainly bullshit, I included them to make the impact of what's going on very sharp. I don't live by those numbers and neither should you (Unless morbidly obese and let's be honest most people aren't)


Her first few weeks of being an "Intern"/Dancer at Big Hit Entertainment is bliss.

Being a part of an entertainment company means that there are changes that need to take place such as her new skin and hair care routine. (She has to sacrifice some sleep to wake up earlier to complete the half hour of skin care. It's okay though because all her products are free.)

She hates sacrificing sleep. Sleep is her one escape and she had whined horrifically when finding out about the strict regimen of skin care.

Getting used to her new schedule is not a hardship for her mentality. It's so finely and specifically structured that her body is the only thing that needs to adapt to it. The first few weeks are torture, her body aches in ways it hasn't since she had to get used to the harder tumbling classes at the gym.

Her parents and Bang-PD nim make a deal with the school where she attends half time, where she's in by 7 AM and out by noon.

She has an hour break for lunch, then from 1 pm to 7 pm she's at BH. That leaves 8 pm to 10 pm for homework.

She's not going to lie, the highlight of her days are between 1 and 7 Monday through Friday. Jimin-ssi teaches an advanced lyrical/contemporary class for the company from 1-3 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

From 4-7 she's an errand girl doing her time for the technical Internship agreement. On Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 1-3, J-Hope-ssi or Hoseok-nim teaches the advanced Hip-Hop class and she's obligated to be a part of that class too. Saturday and Sunday she spends all day at Big Hit where she's in by 7 AM just like school, but she's doing things for employees from 7 to noon, breaking for lunch, and from 1-4 is training with Sungdeuk-nim for specific BTS choreography. From 5 to 10 pm is more Big Hit work.

It's a slight physical struggle to get used to the new schedule. Her body is not used to being so active while getting so little sleep.

Eventually her body does get used to 6-7 hours of sleep a night with very active days.

It's doable.

However, Big Hit employees start to take advantage of her kindness and her work ethic.

There's times where she's running paperwork and her eyes will naturally catch typos and places on reports where summaries should be worded better. It doesn't take her forever to retype papers when she has a computer in front of her. Her wrong move is telling employees where they could improve. So they just pile work on her to proofread, finalize and submit paperwork on in one motion. One or two people doing this is okay for her. However it spreads across the floor where she works, the event planning floor, that she is good at taking papers they're supposed to be writing, improving on them, and getting good remarks on them from the higher ups.

There are people that just give her information she's supposed to write up in the form of raw data. She's gracious and takes the task. She gets real work experience while being a trainee. There are others that unload a lot of their duties onto her. Maintaining schedules for some of the artists and dancers becomes a duty for her. She has to keep track of who, when, and where the trainees are, who needs what classes, who needs to have their teeth fixed, what appointments are available to have their acne treated, dietician appointments and the such. She doesn't have an office space, so she flies around the floor when specific information is needed, she knows where to get it, knows who's file cabinets she has to raid.

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