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hello if ur still here. i wrote another one. enjoy, and send suggestions.

Eddie yelped as he bolted up from his nightmare. Another nightmare about It. Eddie looked around the darkness of his room, expecting to see It crawling towards him, it's ginormous mouth curling open to reveal the rows upon rows of small, jagged, teeth. 

This nightmare had been a little different than his other one's, though. In this nightmare, Eddie was forced to watch Richie die. Forced to see the clown squeezing the life out of his best friend. Eddie felt tears pricking his eyes just at the thought of it. 

Eddie turned to see if he had woken up his friends, Bill, Stan, and Richie. They seemed sound asleep. He tried the lamp on his bedside table, but there was no light. He tried again, but nothing. At this point, Eddie was shaking. There was no light, leaving him plunged in the dark. He needed someone. Someone to comfort him, and hopefully, tell him that everything was alright.

Eddie took and deep breath, and reached Richie from his bed. He shook his best friend until he heard his familiar voice.


"Huh-huh-hi Richie." Eddie whispered.

"What's wrong? Did your mom ask for more sex, cause tell her-" Richie groaned, rubbing sleep from his eyes. But he was quickly cut off by Eddie crying. And not a quiet little sob, oh no. His cry was a wail, and he was genuinely surprised that Bill and Stan hadn't woken up.

"Oh Eddie Spaghetti. Move over." and with that, Richie crawled out of his sleeping bag and onto Eddie's bed. Eddie fumbled with the edge of his shirt, and felt himself rocking back and forth, his tears dripping from his eyes down his neck. 

There was silence between them, then Richie finally opened his mouth. Seeing his best friend sobbing like this made him want to hug him.

"Hey Eds. Don't cry. What happened?" Richie asked gently, so gently that Eddie almost thought it wasn't him. He didn't even comment on the stupid nickname.

"Thu-thu-the cuh-cuh-clown kih-kih-" Eddie couldn't finish.

"Jeez Eds. You're turning into Billy Boy. Anyways, you had a nightmare where the clown killed someone?" Richie asked. He knew he wasn't the greatest at comforting people.

Eddie looked into his coke bottle glasses, his curly black hair, and nodded.

"But not juh-juh-just someone. It kih-kih-killed you, Richie. That fuh-fuh-fucking clown killed you. And I had to wuh-wuh-watch." Eddie managed.

Richie nodded somberly, recalling all of his own nightmares.

"Well, I'm not dead now, am I? I'm right here." Richie wrapped his arms around Eddie.

He felt Eddie sob into his chest, he felt his shirt getting soaked. After a bit, Eddie pulled away.

"I'm sorry about your shirt..." he whispered.

Richie shook his head.

"It's a fucking shirt, Eds. I'm sure your mother wouldn't mind if I fucked her like this-"

"Shut the fuck up, Trashmouth. And I hate that name." Eddie groaned, even though he never wanted Richie to stop being Richie.

"Well jokes on you, I know you love it." Richie laughed, then paused. After a moment, he continued. "Almost as much as I love you."

Eddie stared at Richie, almost shocked. Richie broke out into a sweat, thinking that this was a mistake, that Eddie was going to hate him, that -

"I love you too." Eddie whispered, a smile spreading across his tear-stained face.

And they fell asleep hugging each other, neither of them having a nightmare.

"Knew it."

"Sh-sh-shut up Suh-suh-stan." 

"Five dollars Bill. Told ya Reddie was real."

"Fuh-fuh-fuck you Stanley."

🎈 Reddie Oneshots 🎈जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें