the quarry

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Whats poppin y'all. I'm back with more shit :P

Richie carried Eddie's passed out body bridal style towards the exit of the Neibolt house. But he was quickly stopped by an all too familiar voice.

"Don't touch other boys like that, Richie. Then they might know your secret." Pennywise sneered, it's eyes following Richie as he ran out the house.

How did it know? How did it know how he felt about boys? Especially Eddie. 

Richie bolted awake. His dream wasn't quite a nightmare, per say. But it scared Richie nevertheless. Richie had liked Eddie for as long as he had known him, but he was sure Eddie didn't feel the same about him. Richie looked over to his clock, and saw that it was 10:00 a.m. Richie was supposed to be an the quarry by now! He pulled on some clothes and snuck out of his house, riding his bike down to the quarry. Once he reached the gorge, he dropped his bike and ran over to the other Loser's, waiting.

"Richie. You're late." Stan said, not even glancing up from his bird book.

"Again." Eddie added, crossing his little arms across his chest.

"Well, I'm here now! What are you guys waiting for?" Richie yelled with a grin, getting some smirks from the others.

Finally, they were all down to their tighty whities (except for Bev, she also had a bra of course). Everyone took turns jumping off the cliff and into the water below, until it was just Richie and Eddie left.

"Whats wrong Eds?" Richie asked, noticing the younger boys look of fear.

"N-nothing. You jump. I'll stay right here." Eddie said.

"Nope. I'm not jumping unless you jump too." Richie stated, pulling Eddie to the edge.

"Ahhh! Rich!!!" Eddie squealed, causing Richie to stop. Richie looked down at the little boy and noticed his rosy cheeks and wide eyes.

"What, is widdle Eddie scawed?" Richie asked in a baby voice, pinching Eddie's chubby cheek.

"Yes! Yes, Richie! I'm fucking scared!" Eddie wailed, turning back to the rocks where their stuff sat.

"No, wait Eds! I'm sorry I tried to force you to jump, but please! Just do it! For me...?" Richie slowly walked to Eddie's side. Eddie looked up into Richies pleading eyes and sighed.

"I accept your apology. And I'm only jumping if you hold my hand." Eddie said, grabbing Richie's hand. Richie felt his heart flutter a little bit and grinned.

"On three, one, two, THREE!" Richie yelled, and they jumped into the water below. 

Richie resurfaced to see his favorite pair of brown eyes and adorable scatter of freckles. Eddie was giggling, the bubbly sound making Richie blush. 

"See, Eds? Wasn't that fun?"

"Don't call me that! You know I hate it!" Eddie groaned, wrinkling his button nose..

Richie just laughed. He loved how cute Eddie looked when he was angry.

"Cute, cute cute!" Richie snickered, pinching Eddie's cheek again.

"Stawwwwwwwwwp!" Eddie wailed, falling under the surface of the water.

Richie laughed and pulled Eddie up to the surface. Then he started tickling him. Eddie began laughing, flailing his arms around and trying to push Richie away.

"Richieeeeeee!" he cried.

"Whats the magic word, Eddie-Spaghetti?" Richie asked, still tickling Eddie.

"Pleeeeeeeease Richieeeeeee!" Eddie squealed, finally stopping the other boy from tickling him.

Richie noticed how close their faces were. He noticed how Eddie's hair was plastered to his forehead. How his eyes were glowing with happiness. How his lips looked so soft and inviting. Both Richie and Eddie leaned in. Richie could almost feel Eddie's lips against his own...

"Ahhhh! Something touched my foot!" 

Richie and Eddie snapped their heads to their friends. Stan was flailing his arms and Bill was trying to comfort him. 

"Whats going on?" Richie asked, swimming towards the two, Eddie right behind him.

"Something touched my foot...." Stan wailed, holding onto Bill.

Mike dove down, and quickly resurfaced. "It was just a turtle, Stan."  

Richie and Eddie looked at each other and smiled. 

"Hey, me and Eds are going to get out of the water." Richie informed the group, slowly swimming to a patch of land.

He got on and helped Eddie up, pulling the smaller boy up under his arms.

"Thanks Richie." Eddie said, smiling softly.

Richie couldn't take it anymore. He had been so close to kissing his crush, so close.

Richie gently cupped Eddies cheek and leaned in. This time, their lips met. Eddie tasted sweet, like strawberries. His lips were so soft... 

Slowly, Richie pulled away, his eyes focused on the beautiful boy in front of him.

"Wow..." Eddie whispered, breaking the silence.

"Yeah. You don't know how long I've wanted to do that. You're mother doesn't even compare." Richie replied.

Eddie grinned and gave Richie a light punch on the shoulder.

"You're an idiot." Eddie giggled.

"Yeah? Well I'm your idiot." Richie stated.

"REDDIE IS SO FRICKIN REAL!!!" Beverly yelled, causing Richie and Eddie to look away from each other.

"You oh-oh-owe me f-f-f-five bucks, S-stanny!" Bill laughed.

"You guys bet on it?" Eddie laughed, and Stan nodded 'yes'.

And Richie realized something. 

He realized that he didn't care if they knew his secret.

As long as he had Eddie, he was happy.

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