"Are you" Michael does a gay wrist action with his hand and I burst out laughing

"No!" Louis states "Why would you think that?"

"No reason, no reason at all" Michael smiles

"Well I'm going back to class bye" Louis walks out and I burst out laughing

"What?" Michael looks at me laughing

"Gay really?" I shake my head laughing "he's not gay"

*Harry's p.o.v*

They're taking forever. "Hey Harry" Liam nudges my side

"You up for the party at the weekend?" Liam shows me a text from Danielle his crush saying she wants to meet him there

"Yeah whatever" I smile "have you seen my glasses?"

"Yeah you idiot" Liam laughs "there on your eyes" Liam points to them

The door opens and is opened by none other then the sex God him self.

"Mr Cotton saw us out of class and said he would take her so I could get back to class" Louis tells Mrs Jones

"Okay thank you Louis, now go and take your seat" Miss says back to him.

*Louis p.o.v*

I sit back down next to my friends and just stare blankly at my exercise book, I cant believe all of that has just happened. Why didn't she just tell me in the first place? The only reason I can think of is Mr Cotton, as she literally tells me everything even when she goes to the loo. I know what your thinking, but I can't complain she's always been there for me "Louis" Luke taps my shoulder "lets do our chant"

"Okay" I whisper back "3,2,1"

"Let's not do work, let's not do work, let's not do work... Let's get wasted!" Me, Luke, Niall and Zayn shout in unison.

"Boys!" Mrs shouts

"What?" I smile "I didn't do anything"

Saved by the bell!

I pack my things in to my bag and head for my locker "Lou, their both coming" Zayn smiles

"Where" I look around

"On Saturday, to the party" he says

"Your gunna have a Fag in your house" Luke looks at him

"Yep, speaking of the devil, here he comes go get him Tommo" Zayn points at him

"Be right back" I walk over to his locker and and stops as he looks into my eyes with fear, his eyes, his eyes are a, are nice... wait what am I thinking? But they are, no stop it Tommo just hit him. But I might hurt him. I can't do this. But I have to. This probably looks like we are gazing into eachothers eyes, shit."Tommo, Tommo Tommo" I hear Zayn shouting, okay let's imagine it's someone else, a punch bag. He's a gay punch bag and with that I through a punch and hit him over and over. There's no stopped me now!

"Mr Tomlinson!" Mr Adams the head teacher shouts "Mr Tomlinson!" I get pulled away from my punch bag and I look down at my wrists "are you okay Mr Styles"

"Y-yeah" my punch bag stutters

"Tomlinson, detention now!" Mr Adams shouts at me "head to Mr Cotton's class room now, everyone go to lunch nothing to see here"

I walk to Mr Cotton's class room and knock on the door "come on" he shouts I open the door and smile half-heartedly "and what can I do for you Louis?" Mr Cotton looks up from his piles of essay papers.

"Detention" I take a seat "started a fight" I shrug my shoulders

"And why'd you do that?" He asks standing up from his desk and walking over towards my desk

"Hate the guy" I state "Sick, its wrong! He makes my skin crawl"

"And why do they make your skin crawl?" He asks

"We playing 20 questions?" I laugh "he's boody gay!"

"And whats wrong with that?" He says sitting on the edge of the desk.

"Its not normal, that's whats wrong with it" I state with disgust in my voice.

"And who is this then?" Mr Cotton asks

"Harry Styles" I say with more disgust in my voice

"And what would you say to him coming in here?" Mr Cotton asks

"No" I said "he's not coming in"

"I think it'll do you good" he says he walks over to the phone "Hey, could you send Harry Styles to my class room please" Mr Cotton says and hangs up after saying a few "yeah's".

"So Michael you treating my friend okay?" I say pushing my boundaries "how's she in the bedroom department? Huh?" I say which causes him to sit fidgeting and blush

"It's Mr Cotton to you in school" he says

"I bet you make her to call you that, bet it's your kink" I smile enjoying watching him trying to think of come backs.

Theres a knock on the door "come in" Mr Cotton shouts and Styles walks in "you must be Harry, take a seat your not in any trouble" he says and Harry sits at the desk beside me.

"Louis here, wants to say sorry to you" He says and I huff in responce. His phone rings "Oh hey babe... yeah.." he carrys on talking

"I'm sorry" Harry stutters

"Your, your sorry?" I ask puzzled "I'm sorry I'm gay, I'm sorry that you hate me I'm sorry I am to chicken to k-kill m-myself" Harry says trying to hold back tears.

"I've just got to go and see someone" Mr Cotton says pointing to his phone

"Is she alright?" I ask

"Yeah just alittle emotional" He says and walks towards the door and out off into the corridor. The door closes.

"I-I'm sorry that I beat you up to keep my popularity" I mutter under my breath "do you want a hug?" I ask just to be nice and no one else is around.

This Is Over (Larry Stylinson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now