The Meeting

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"Why... Why must you do this..?" An annoyed question escaped from behind your lips as you walked. "Do whhhhaaatt?" The male behind you asked, skipping a little as he followed. Your eyes only narrowed, gaze darkening as it stayed planted on the back of.. Ass)hhh's head. His name was Ash right? You shrug off your pointless question, you honestly couldn't care less. Your feet ached, your head hurt from the migraine caused by screaming earlier.

You also met him.

Ciel Phantomhive.

You never thought you'd meet him. Your family was pretty close to the Phantomhive's until they died in the fire, you barely remember them since you were so young. You did remember a time with Lizzy though, there was a boy with her when you went over once. You didn't get a name, nor did you remember the boy's parents' faces. You had seen him a few times after that - and became quite good friends. You couldn't place his name for the life of you though. You didn't know why. Heh, wouldn't be surprised if you didn't get a name at all... Things were nice back then, until the fire. The boy's parents did pass thanks to it, saddening really. You weren't there to witness any of it really. That was also when the boy went missing.

A small hum left you as you realized. He was with Lizzy the day you first met, she must be close to him then. Yeah, logical enough. You'd have to ask her about him the next time you saw her-

"Oof!" You let out, had smashed into the back of the Queen's... Uhh... Bodyguuuard? Your memory seemed to like fucking you up lately. The man was harder than a rock, stiffer than a statue. You looked up at his purple gaze and got slight chills once you met it. "The Queen is waiting..." He stated, rather har- No... Harsh isn't it. More like, cold, bone chilling. You didn't give a response as you glanced over your shoulder, the blonde you were with before was nowhere in sight. You shrugged it off a little and guessed he was either already inside or ditching. Not that anyone would have the guts to do so.

Your E/C colored orbs moved forward when you heard the sound of a doorknob being turned. Your expression hardened slightly as the tall, slender butler opened the door and walked out into the hallway. You didn't know what he was doing, but didn't want to question. He actually held the door open for you; so of course, you walked inside.

Side sat the Queen at her desk, in front of the wooden table were three chairs surrounding a coffee table with pastries and tea. To your left sat Alois, legs crossed as he held a small smirk. The cause of this smirk was unknown to you... Unless he was still being a cocky bastard about earlier... To your right was were the blue haired boy you had met a few times prior to this meeting. You didn't know why, but your face almost softened, he reminded you of someone - but could you place it?


Just like everything else you once had on your mind at some point and yourmemorydecidestofuckyouoverjustbecauseitcan...


(*Clears throat*)

The middle seat was empty, so you sat down. The queen looked up from her papers, tapping them together against the clean surface in front of her before setting them down gently. "Now... I know you have already met, so let's get straight to business." She stated, seeming to still be a little... Upset about earlier. 

You didn't think much of it though. Queen Victoria began to go over some information on the murders around the lovely city of London. Reports state that hears are cared out, skin on the left side of the bodies faces are removed, along with their right eye. Fingernails are detached and found down the victim's throat and stitches were left around the ankles and wrists of the found bodies. You weren't very fazed by this information. You shifted your gaze to the males to your sides. Alois was smirking a bit more, had perked up a bit while Ciel seemed to be listening rather intensely. Both of them clearly weren't the average Earls you saw everyday. 

"What I'm asking of you is to catch the murderer..." The sound of the Queen speaking caught your attention.

"And kill them..."

(Hello my beautiful weebs. I know this chapter is pretty short and rather late. But, this might be the last entry for this story. It's.. What? Almost two years old and only has fourteen chapters. Not to mention that it's all over the place. It's not very consistent and I've never really been a fan of writing in second person. There are also a crap ton of things I actually want to start. I don't have much motivation for this one anymore. I apologize if you were really hoping for this story to actually pursue. I might come back to it every now and then, but I can't promise anything. Sincerely~ Author-Chan) 

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