The Arrival

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     It was about 5 o'clock when you reached your stop. "Fucking finally..." You mutter as you step off the bus and grab your things. "Ohhh You're going to see the Queen to??" You hear a well too familiar voice ask from behind you. You turn to see the one and only... Alois Trancy with his yellow-eyed butler. "Bloody fffuu-" You cut yourself off before you say the well-known curse word. "Hell..." You finish.

     Alois tilted his head at you as he watched. "Why yes, yes I am.." You say with a fake, overdone smile. The 14-year-old blondie rolled his eyes and moved to walk past you. After he made his way out of your... Somewhat sight, your smile immediately dropped, as if it was never there. You groan a bit and move to take your bags towards the exit of the train station. "Mind if I help you miss...?" You hear a soft, sweet voice chirp. You turn around to see a young boy who seemed to be at the age of 15 or 16. He had the brightest emerald green eyes you've ever seen, seeming to be a gardener by his attire.

     You smile a little and slowly shake your head. "No, I got it. Thank you though." You said softly, despite wanting a bit of help... You could hardly move your left arm after a. He frowned at your response, making your heart shatter into a million pieces. You sighed and moved you put your bags down and take a step back. You couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction. He pretty much beamed and moved to grab your bags. "I'm taking that you're heading to the exit." He said with a small smile.

     "Yes, I am." You say softly with a small nod. The blonde boy nodded and moved to start walking with you to the exit. You yawned a bit. You were pretty happy to see the Queen so you could sleep. You soon got outside with the new boy and balled your hands into loose fits once you saw a pair of blue eyes look at you. What is up with this guy?

     "Hey! Want a ride? I know you're going to the Queen anyway~," Alois asked. You groaned a bit and looked at the boy who helped you with your bags, holding up a finger to Alois, telling him to wait a minute. "I do apologize for that. but I didn't catch your name." You say softly. "Oh, It's okay! I'm Finnian, Though, my friends call me Finny." He said with so much cheer and glee in his voice. You couldn't help but smile. "Alright, Finny. I'm Y/N L/N," He smiled at your response and moved to help you get your bags in the carriage. "What a pretty name," You smiled at the compliment and chuckled softly. "Why thank you." FInny nodded as he helped you into the carriage and took a step back. Alois and Claude were already inside.

     You looked at the icy blue eyes that Alois had as you took a seat. You thanked Finnian once again through the window. "Of course! I just like seeing people smile." He stated, with the same smile he's had the entire time. You smile at him and went to say something but the carriage started up all of a sudden, making you let out a small yelp instead.

      Finnian shook his head a little and waved at you as you rode away. You groaned and crossed your arms as you looked out the window, keeping your gaze outside. You soon heard a small chuckle come from someone in the carriage. You looked at Claude who had his attention outside, then looked at Alois... Though his attention was outside as well. You just assumed that it was him and shook your head. You look at your arm that was still as numb as a hand in cold water. The only thing you felt on it was the tingliness it gave you.

     You shrugged it off and let your head rest against the window of the cab, staying completely and utterly silent. But... You started to feel light headed. Your vision began to blur, but you strived to stay awake. So you did. The carriage eventually came to a stop. You nearly threw up cause it was so abrupt. You slowly shake your head and hold your stomach as you move to exit the box on wheels. You would have expected for Claude to help you... But he didn't. You weren't too surprised. You didn't really want help anyway.

     Once a few feet away from the carriage you moved to start walking towards the castle. Your pace was slow, starting to feel dizzy. You could faintly see someone in a black dress that wasn't far from you. You thought it was the Queen but, they were rather short. You couldn't see their face either... You shake your head as you look around. Alois was right beside you, you hadn't even noticed. You wanted to say something, or make some type of sound, but... You couldn't. No matter how hard you tried to speak, nothing came out.

     You then noticed how a tall man was behind you, carrying a bunch of... Something, you really couldn't tell. You look back ahead to see that you hadn't gotten very far from the carriage. Something was definitely up, though you didn't know what it was. Yes, you did know about the symptoms but, not the cause of them.

     You eventually got to the Queen, or who you assumed was the Queen. "Ms. L/N, Mr. Trancy." She said in her formally way. Her voice seemed different though, higher maybe? You slowly nod before you began to lose your balance. You soon just gave in and pretty much collapsed. You heard a gasp come from the Queen and two people speaking at once. "Claude! Get her inside!"
"Ash! Help her!!" You thought that's what you heard at least.


      You woke with a killer headache. You slowly let your eyes open, only for your gaze to land on a man with white hair. You slowly sat up and let out a small yell of agony for some reason. You looked at your arm that had been numb previously. There was a bandage wrapped around your four arm. "Careful." You hear a low, formal voice say. You look over at the white-haired man, seeing how he was now looking at you. You gulped a bit and shift around slightly. "Who... A-are you?" You ask. "Ash Landers. I'm the Queen's butler." He explained.

      Something about him made you feel strange. His voice sent shivers down your spine while he stared deeply into your soul, slowly tearing you apart. You give him a slow nod before he began to speak. "The Queen wishes to see you when you are ready."
"A... Alright," You say quietly as you make your gaze scan the room you were in, Ash moving to exit the room.

     The walls were white with black cattails around the edge. The was a dark brown with a wood pattern. The bed you were laying on was black and white, so were the sheets and the pillows. To sum it up, it was a really pretty room.

     You look around for a little longer before moving to crawl out of bed. The Queen wanted to see you and you wanted to see her. You moved to leave the room but stopped at the door. You saw yourself in one of those huge, body mirrors. You were wearing a pair of black and white shorts that were... Fairly sort and the same patterned shirt. You just stared at yourself. Not because you liked the outfit, but because you were disgusted. You didn't come in this so... Who...?

     You cringed at the thought and quickly shake your head and look around for something to change into, but, there was nothing in sight. You sigh and rub your face. Making your way over to another door that was on the other side of the room, You move to open it and let out a sigh of relief to see a walk-in closet. You didn't care much about the size but move to grab a random dress. It turned out to be a straight black dress with gems and sparkles. You shrug and move to change into it, slipping on a pair of black three-inch heels as well.

     You ran a hand through your H/C locks and move to leave the room, not bothering to see how you looked. Once you were out of the room, you were met with a dead silent hallway that went both left and right. You let out a groan, it's been forever since you've been here so how in bloody hell were you supposed to know your way around?

"You seem lost," You hear someone say so you turn around, only to have your gaze meet with the yellow-eyes of the not too familiar butler., Though, Alois was nowhere in sight. Something about this man made you feel, a bit off. Just like every other person you have recently met. "I... Am, actually..." You say as you take step back. The yellow-eyed man slowly nodded and moved to start leading you... Somewhere. You weren't too sure at first, but followed.

      The two of you soon got to a pair of huge double doors. You looked around before having your gaze land on them. "Here you are..." You hear Claude say with a... small smile. You cringed internally at the look he gave you. "Did he just... Smile????" You quietly muttered to yourself. "How... Disgusting.." You say at the same time as someone else. You look over your shoulder to see the Master of the Trancy butler who had already... Magically left without anyone noticing.

     "At least we now agree on something." You state as you turn to enter the Queen's office. "She's talking with someone." You hear Alois say. Your hand was hovering over the doorknob of one of the huge doors. "Oh? Who?" You asked. "Her Guard dog." He answered, Your look grew a bit puzzled. You've heard of the Queen's watchdog... But didn't think they were real. You haven't met them, or even seemn them for that matter. "Heh..." You say and move to stand beside Alois. Looks like you'll have to wait... Wonder if you'll get to meet this... Guard dog...

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