Correspondences: Herb/Resin Symbolism and Uses *updated*

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Adam and Eve Root: Love, happiness. Carry to attract love. Give to a couple to ensure happiness.

Agrimony: Protection, sleep, breaking hexes, reversing spells. It protects against evil spirits and poison. Use in banishment sachets and to break/send back hexes. When placed under the head, it will make one sleep as if dead until the herb is removed.

Alfalfa: Luck, draws money. Protects from poverty and hunger if kept in a pantry or burned and scattered around the home.

Allspice: Brings prosperity if carried or burned. Can also promote healing.

Almond: Wisdom, prosperity, abundance, money, luck. Eating them brings wisdom and healing. Eating five of them before drinking prevents intoxication. Carrying them in your pocket leads you to treasure.

Angelica Root: Protection from evil, luck (gambling), healing. Used in exorcism. Removes curses if added to a bath. Also carried as a gambling talisman. Burning it as incense causes psychic visions.

Anise: Protection, purification, youth. Stops nightmares if stuffed in pillow. Fresh leaves placed in a room or around a magic circle protect against evil. Seeds are used in purification baths. Restores youth if hung on bedpost. Can call forth spirits in a ritual.

Apple: Immortality, friendship, healing. Sexual love (with orris root). Associated with Samhain and the Underworld. Blossoms used in love spells, fruit used in love divinations and to incite love. Fruit attracts love and unicorns. Banishes illnesses if cut and rubbed on wounds, then buried under a waning moon. Protects against fever. Cider can make the soil fertile when poured on the tilled earth, and can be used in place of blood in rituals.

Ash: Invincibility, protection, luck, prosperity, health. Ash wand cleans house of negative energy. Used for rituals and spells involving the sea. Leaves placed under pillow will cause prophetic dreams. Leaves placed in a bowl of water next to the bed prevent illnesses. Leaves carried attracts love. Snakes fear it.

Aspen: Eloquence, clairvoyance. Protects against thieves. Place a leaf under your tongue for eloquence.

Basil: Attracts wealth and success, aids in divination, drives off evil spirits. Its scent is used to attract and enhance love. Brings wealth if carried.

Bayberry: Abundance, fertility, harmony, peace, powerful prosperity spell when burned.

Bay Leaves (Laurel): Attracts prosperity, strength, good fortune, and protection. Write a wish on each leaf and burn them. Use in brews for clairvoyance and wisdom. Place beneath pillow for prophetic dreams. Burned, scattered, or worn for protection and purification.

Beech: Wishes, happiness, divination, literary skills, inspiration. Carve wish into bark and bury.

Belladonna: "Deadly nightshade." Associated with beauty, darkness, and illusion. Used for visions nad astral projection. Can help connect to the Shadow self and work through painful memories. The genus name, Atropa belladonna, comes from the eldest of the Moirai, Atropos. (Dangerously poisonous; do not ingest, it will kill you! Handle with gloves).

Benzoin: Purification, prosperity, energy. Soothing negative emotions. Burn to purify or (with cinnamon and basil) to attract customers to a business.

Bergamot: Attracts good spirits, money, and luck. Put leaves in purse to attract money.

Birch: Protection, purification, exorcism. Strike possessed person with a birch wand. 

Blackberry: Money, healing, protection. Cure scalds by placing wet leaves against the wound and saying, "Three ladies came from the east. One with fire and two with frost. Out with fire, in with frost."

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