Hecate's Banishing Ritual

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(This is my go-to banishing ritual, originally from hecatescauldron.org. The site no longer exists, so I am putting it here. It's designed to help you banish someone who has spread lies about you, but you can adapt it for any related purpose.)


"This Banishing Ritual is very intense and powerful like many of my other Rituals such as the Full and Dark Moon Rituals. This ritual should be done as close to the Dark Moon as possible. This ritual is for someone who has done you harm by gossip, lies, deceit, etc. Because you are calling on the Goddess Hecate and Her powers to aid you, please make sure that you are completely innocent of the situation.

If you do not know who the person is, or are not positively sure, do not mention any names. Leave that to the Dark Goddess, as She knows.

This ritual deals with the use of parchment paper (or regular paper, if you do not have it). Gather all your material that you need for this ceremony. If using a lit charcoal in the cauldron of Hecate, make sure that the charcoal is hot enough to burn your parchment paper. If you are going to light the parchment paper from the Goddess candle to put in the cauldron, then there is no need to worry about any charcoal after you cleanse the temple room. You will need piece of parchment paper, patchouli oil or clove oil to sprinkle on the parchment paper. (If you do not have any of these oils, that is fine. But I would suggest perhaps ordering some of these oils from a Witchcraft supply store for future use. ) You will also need Dragon's Blood ink or your magickal pen. Before ritual, on a small piece of parchment paper, write down what has been done to you either with Dragon's Blood ink and a feather or your magickal pen which you have only used for magickal workings. Then put a few dabs of Patchouli or Clove oil on the parchment paper. Fold the parchment paper in half and put a banishing pentagram on top and bottom of the folded paper.

After meditating and getting yourself focused and centered, cast and cleanse your circle in the manner you are accustomed to, or you can use the Circle Casting chant either from the Full or Dark Moon Ritual which I prepared. In casting a Circle and calling in the Watchtowers, I go deosil no matter the time of the Moon. When I take the ritual down, I go widdershins in dismissing the Watchtowers and calling back the Circle. To me, when when "closing" a bottle, you go deosil. So, in casting a circle you are closing and making it air tight; when opening a bottle, you go widdershins. So in opening the circle, you are once again letting anything back in.

Calling in the Dragon Watchtowers. (Dragons are great protectors and are also the ones who pulls Hecate's Chariot.)

Move to the East - raise your wand and say,

Hail, Great Dragon of the East
Whose yellow eyes see all in the Element of Air
I do summon, stir, and call thee up to attend this rite
and call upon your forces to protect and defend me this night!

(Light the candle and draw an evoking pentagram into the air)

Move to the South - raise your wand and say,

Hail Great Dragon of the South
Whose red eyes see all in the Element of Fire!
I do summon, stir, and call thee up to attend this rite
and call upon your forces to protect and defend me this night.

(Light the candle and draw an evoking pentagram into the air)

Move to the West - raise your arm and say,

Hail, Great Dragon of the West,
Whose blue eyes see all in the Element of Water
I do summon, stir and call thee up to attend this rite
and call upon your forces to protect and defend me this night

(Light the candle and draw an evoking pentagram into the air)

Move to the North - raise your arm and say,

Hail, Great Dragon of the North
Whose green eyes see all in the Element of Earth
I do summon, stir, and call thee up to attend this rite
and call upon your forces to protect and defend me this night.

(Light the candle and draw an evoking pentagram into the air)

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