Ainsley Guevara I

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"Corporal Guevara, Please report to your CO immediately." The intercom blared. Ainsley rolled over in her bed, and groggily got up, slipped on some camo pants, a plain white tank top, and her combat boots.
"Jesus Christ, it's only 4:30. What could they possibly need me for?" She stumbles out of her room, down the hall, and to Commander Valdez's office while fixing her long black hair into a welder's bun.
"Sir? You needed me?" Ainsley questioned as she closed the door behind her.
"Guevara. Thank God you're here. Please. take a seat."
She grabbed a metal chair and threw her body onto it, barely not hitting her back on the seat. "What's happening 'Val'?"
     "Ok, well, two things now. Please never call me 'Val' again -"
     "Aw man! I thought we were friends Valdez!"
     "I- Don't interrupt me either, Guevara. However, on a more serious note, a few bombs may have been launched towards the country. We have reason to believe they are from Germedia, as we cannot identify the nature of them. As our best expert on bombs and such, I hold out hope that you will help." Valdez slowly sat down as he spoke, "We've tried to reach out to Germedia to see why this is happening, but they've ignored us so far."
     "Oh boy. I'll take a look at the bombs with my algorithm, but I'm not too sure I'll be able to stop this from happening."
     "Thanks. I'll understand if you fail, though I hope you won't." Ainsley sprinted from Valdez's office to her bunk, grabbed her laptop, I.D, and pistol, which was loaded and in its holster. Her footsteps down the hall became more rapid, as she made her way to the roof of the fort.
     The rising sun glinted against Ainsley's screen as she worked, typing rapid algorithms into the laptop. Her hand typed in a binary code, known only by Valdez and her. The program required secondary verification of her identity via I.D card, which she scanned without missing a beat.
     Her laptop's vents began roaring, as the motherboard loaded 13 terabytes of information onto a small flash drive. She unplugged the flash drive and sprinted to the roof door, slid down the staircase railing, pushing her lungs to their very limits, and moved into the main informational room. The flash drive clicked into a PC, and it loaded, showing a string of binary code that could only mean something to people with a high inclination to computers.
     "Oh, fuckkk," Ainsley muttered, "so this is how I die. I was really hoping it would be by an STD or something, but this is cool too, I suppose."
     She waltzed to Valdez's office, and took a seat inside. He was pacing back and forth.
     "Any news Guervara?"
     "Yep. We're all gonna die. It's an L Bomb. And it's definitely Germedian tech. The only real question I have left is: do I embrace the chaos, and accept my death, or do I try to stop the bomb and die trying?"
     "Jesus! Stop the bomb, obviously!" Valdez exclaimed. Ainsley's eyes shifted, going from an expression of euphoria, from her slighting in her own inevitable demise, to a look of shock, and slight disappointment.
     "Hmm. I'll try, but there's no guarantees." She stated, rather sarcastically.
Ainsley left his office and moved to the roof. She found her standard issue hand cuffs and cuffed herself to a light pole, embracing the coming apocalypse.
"This is a fine way to go out. This, I can embrace." Her computer began incessantly beeping. Her bright green eyes glanced to the screen, which displayed a countdown set to end in 5 minutes.
4 minutes till countdown. Her family was likely rushing to some sort of shelter. She'd miss her parents
3 minutes. Death was closer than ever before. Any hope for life would be quashed by the bombs which will blast waves of energy that would send vapors that make the weather become extreme and shred the molecules of organisms such as herself.
2 minutes. Those who survived beyond a bunker will never be the same and will become horrid monstrosities of some sort. The only merciful thing about these bombs were that the surface is immediately habitable after the initial blast had subsided.
     1 minute. This is it. The air raid sirens were blaring. Ainsley looked i the sky as a missile-like shape streaked across the sky. Crackling electricity exploded from around it, blasting pieces of dirt everywhere. A bolt flew forward about 500 feet and hit her directly in the chest. Her entire body felt as if it was about to explode, when the bomb released its second stage, expanding outward and exploding. The air around her felt as if it was being pulled towards the bomb, and an explosion engulfed her and the entire base. Everything then fell silent.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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